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Fuck, I had a stressful day at work and my whole body was aching. My lights were on, I didn't see his car and I hoped it wasn't Lady again or I swear, I'm gonna report her to the police.

I'm going to change my passcode this time around, I swear.

I pressed it and it came out error.

She didn't...
My door opened and Alex was there smiling.

"I changed the passcode to our anniversary day, no one will know or guess" he shrugged.

"I love you" I hugged him putting all my weight on him.

He carried me inside and placed me on the couch.

"Water" I whined.

He laughed and brought water for me. I drank all and smiled happily.

"Hungry? I have your dinner in the microwave" He said.

"I'll shower first" I stood up and entered the bedroom.

I screamed.

Alex ran Inside.
."are you okay?" He asked.
I pointed at my bed. Wads of dollars was on my bed. There was enough on the bed that I couldn't count.

"Where did all that money come from, I haven't seen that much in my life before?" I asked.

" Um.. I took everything in my name, I changed all my assets to liquid and I promise,I'm gonna invest them in real estate"He said.

" Tell me what happened"I sat the floor.

" How about you freshen up first"he carried me up and lead me into the bathroom locking the door.

I had the shortest shower and dressed up before hurriedly going into the kitchen,I guess we were having pasta.

I sat down and dug in immediately.

Yeah,Alex was a great cook thanks to his teacher which is by the way..Me.

Someone banged at the door.we looked at each other.
" Stay in the bedroom,I'll get the door"He said.

" Mr,it's my house"I rolled my eyes and walked to the door,opening it,Maria and Lady walked in and of course bitchy Sarah.

"Oh..Here's my baby bro,living his domestic life already" she smiled sitting down.

"Smart,I want you to release Alex" Maria looked at me.

"Maria, your son is a grown ass man who can make decisions for himself,there he to him" I walked away from them and sat down.

"Son,please let's go your family" Maria knelt down beside Alex crying.

"Alex..are you gonna watch mom heartbroken like this?" Lady asked.

" Please stop this abominable act and come home..Smart,He only listens to him,don't you feel a little bit of shame in what you're doing?You're tearing a Father away from his daughter and wife to me are tearing a family apart"Maria shouted

" Mom,how about you talk to your son and leave innocent people already?Smart is somebody's son too .he gets hurt and sad too,please leave him alone"Sarah rose her hand up.

I looked at her,she was the meanest one who always bitched around even in high school.she was a princess bully.

" What? I'm kind too"she shrugged.

" How about me?my emotions,my future,our daughter,my about you out it into consideration before you start these disgusting  relationship"Lady said.

" Let's go home son,let's go home"Maria held Alex.

He closed his eyes.i know what that meant.

He was going to break down so I went to him and held his shoulder.

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