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I stared at Lady, she was sitting in my couch again. I wondered how she got in .

"What are you doing here?" I asked dropping my bag on the floor.

"I guessed the passcode when I came over and you  didn't answer the door" She smiled

" I go to work every Monday to Friday and some weekends"I said removing my shirt.

" Are you seeing someone? I found condoms in the trash can and now there are hickeys all over you"Lady looked at me.

" That's creepy"I commented.

Somehow, I felt uneasy and my defensive instinct had taken over.

" You are not gay right? "Lady looked at me.

" I am"I answered.

" And you're not dating My fiance right? "She asked.

" Your Fiance? Do you really think it's wise to force Alex to be in a relationship with you? Nope.. forcing him to marry you"I sat down.

" I asked you a question? Its only natural I get married to the father of my kid"she smiled.

" What are you doing inside my house without calling me first"I asked.

" You see? After you walked out on us at the lunch date, I started wondering
Just why?then I realized that no one would know why?except Your house so I took the liberty"she smiled.

" I could sue you for trespassing"I sat down.

" And I can make your life a living hell,my first clue was when your passcode was Alex's birthday,then the pictures on your bedside and then ..his fucking clothes, cologne,underwear and then your pillow...damn..the only pictures I have on him is the ones he took with his daughter or the ones he was forced to take with me"she scoffed.

" Get out of from my house"I  stared at her.

" Damn..the dick I haven't been've been getting it right under my nose..the cuddles,the couple thingy..I don't even have his hoodie or spare tie in my house and you have all that pleasure"she glared at me.

" I'm sorry"I looked at my hands.

" Sorry?if you are really sorry..stop all this madness ,stop this immoral act and leave Alex alone"she shouted.

" I'm not sorry that I'm with Alex or enjoying his attention.. I'm sorry that you'll never get it"I looked at her shocked face.

She slapped me.

" How brazen!how dare you!"she  shouted finally losing her temper.

"We are going to have a civilized conversation as adults with our hands by our side if you want or you can walk out my have the choice..I'll call security for assault and break in" I looked at her.

The door opened and Alex walked in.he took in Lady's tears Stricken face and my face which I'm sure is already red and her palm might be imprinted on my left cheek.

" he is..the faggot" Lady looked at him.

"What's going on here? Smart.. what happened?" Alex asked.

"Oh..he's only worried about his little slut.what about me?I'm hurt too.. hello..I just found out my boyfriend's best friend is actually his lover!I'm having an emotional you even care!" Lady screamed.

"She broke in,she went through my stuff..your crazy girlfriend went through my personal stuff" I quietly explained.

"'s fine,I can stand both of you if you can keep it a secret,Alex will get married to me and you can keep seeing each other" She stood akimbo.

"We broke up .. Lady I advice you to stop doing this" Alex pleaded.

"Your parents,daughter,me,family or this little's time to choose" Lady picked up her bag and walked out slamming the door.

"One of these days,my door is gonna fall" I sat down avoiding my boyfriend's searching eyes.

"Are you okay?you have to change the passcode.I'll clean up" He entered my bedroom.

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