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I rushed into the hospital, Blossom was crying, she was sitting on the hospital bed with a huge bandage on her arm.

"Daddy!" She shouted when she saw me.
"Yeah baby girl . I'm so sorry" I hugged her.

"Mom wanted to kill me, she stabbed my arm... Is mommy mad?" She asked.

"No.. she.. she.. um.. are you okay? Mom is going through a tough time and she'll be good, she's in the hospital that will make her feel okay and we can visit her anytime"I explained.

" She hurt me"Blossom cried.

" She didn't mean to, I'm sorry "I carried her.

I had received a call from Lady's neighbor.
Apparently,She's been dealing on drugs since the wedding was called off and Today she got so high and hysterical blaming Blossom,people heard her screaming and called the police who broke into the house.

Lady had ready slashed a long cut on Blossom's arm and she had fainted due to excessive bleeding.

" Is she okay?"Smart and Mom asked as soon as I entered the house.

Mom and Smart have been slowly becoming friends since we got engaged.His mom often came over overfeeding us and apologizing to Smart every day.

She sent plastic flower since he was allergic and apology text messages.Kim always came for weekends and she loved visiting.

"What about Lady?" mom asked.

"She was sent to the Psychiatric ward and will be diagnosed soon,Her mom is with her but I don't think she'll be coming home soon ...I hope she comes out clean and I was advised to keep Blossom away for her for now since my baby girl developed a trauma"I said looking at my sleeping princess..
" Its gonna be okay"Smart smiled.

" Of course,I have you"I said.

" I can always have her over if you guys want some romantic weekend or during your honeymoon"Mom agreed.

" Honeymoon?"I asked.
" Ain't you getting married soon?you've been together for seven years already"mom rolled her eyes.

" Eight years,we've been together for eight years mom and we want a small and private wedding"I hugged Smart close.

" Really?You husband is a rich man now ,you should have a lavish wedding"Mom pouted.

" I'm not his husband yet and I don't wanna spend all my money on a wedding,Alex is broke and studying to pass the bar exam...I can't spend alot of money since all the responsibilities is on me"Smart smiled.

Really?yeah I always wanted to study law but went for business to please mu dad but now I can do what I want and Smart was paying for my studies.

He really invested all my money well.

" Mom,Smart is a cheapskate,He saves every penny and won't even  let me buy Lunch from the cafeteria"I said .

" Why would you do that when you can fix a lunchbox"Smart replied.

" I don't interfer in your business cause at the end..I'll be the enemy"mom laughed.

" daddy?"Blossom called.
" Yeah baby"I went to her.
" I'm hungry"she whispered.

" Our princess is hungry.. what do you wanna eat?"Smart asked.

" Smart"She shouted excited and hugged him happily.

I smiled looking at the most important people in my life.
People I  would die for.
People I would do everything for.

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