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I stared at the flower on my desk, I didn't have to read the card to know the sender. It was his way of apologizing and I was not gonna let Flowers get to me this time.

I mean my mom was this homophobic woman that wouldn't let us watch bats just because people said bats were gay. I came out to her after college before moving out.

She made sure that I never would step my feet into the home I grew up in.

My dad paid my house rent and tuition in secret  since I was fresh out of high school and penny less.

I've been meeting my sisters in secret and only had pictures of the last baby my mom gave birth to after I left.
I lived with it happily instead living sadly in hiding.

"To the earth baby boy" Ned brought me back from my thoughts.

"So you have an admirer  now?" Dear asked.

They were my friends and colleagues.

"An admirer?" I asked.

"The flowers,Kane got them for you" Dear rolled her eyes.

" Kane..Kane the newbie?"I asked.
"Yeah, made me lose a bet that you are gay"Ned laughed.

" I'm",it stuck on my throat.

" So,have you read the card?"She asked.

" No..but I will"I answered.

" You are single right? Kane is the right man for you..oh..I can't believe all that hotness and handsome face is gonna be yours"Dear giggled.

" Hi"Kane waved at me before moving to his cubicle.

" You're one lucky dude,Oh we'll  be having that loving gay couple soon"Ned said.

" Can I talk to you for a minute ?"Alex walked towards us.

" Yes sir"I stood up immediately.

" And Ned,Dear,I pay you to work in customer service not hookup service"Alex glared at them and walked into his office.

I followed him into his office.
" Why did I come into office this morning to find your resignation letter?"he threw the letter on his table.

" I want to leave,I got a better job offer"I answered.

" Are you acting up because I refused to choose you over my family "He said.

" Approve the letter,I'm leaving's a step from leaving your family's shadow"I replied.

" I'm sorry...I'm so sorry.. I'm sorry "He knelt beside me.

" Approve the letter"I said and walked away.

I didn't want to have these fights with Alex but if it was the only way to get him all to myself then I will.

What if I lost him Forever?

" Um..hi,Smart."Kane tapped my table.

" Oh, hi"I smiled.

" Um,if you are free today can we grab dinner together and maybe beer afterwards please?"He asked .

" Um,I'll be visiting my parents tonight maybe next time"I replied.

" Oh,no problems"His shoulders slumped in disappointment and he turned away.

" Wait..I can tell them,I'm busy in the office and we'll have that dinner"I stood up.

I really needed to start letting other people in.

" Oh,Thank you..see you at 6:30"He smiled and walked away.

If I and Alex ever separated,I should at least have someone I could vent out to.

Oh how am I ever going to survive without his loving hugs,smiling face,deep laughter and how he cleaned up my mess without even complaining.

But no matter what?I'm already out and I had no desire to go back.

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