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"um.. but you told me I was qualified for this position" I stared at the director of the new company that called me days ago to apply.

"Someone called the higher ups for a favour and it was given to someone else.. I'm really sorry" She said.

"Its okay" I stood up and walked out angrily.

I walked into the house angrily, Alex was sitting down on the space he created as his office.

"Someone took my place again, Your parents are going to put me out of job forever" I punched the wall angrily and it hurt alot but the rage in my heart kept making me punch over and over again until Alex held my hand.

"Calm down, take a deep breath" He said.

"A deep breath, Calm? You have money lying around while I have to save and scramble for money... I can't stay at home forever" I shouted angrily.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" He Pleaded.

Someone knocked and I rolled my eyes.
Alex opened the door, Maria and Lady walked in.

"Good day" I greeted picking up my first aid box from the table.

"The attitude" Lady rolled her eyes.

"I don't wanna have exchange of words anymore, How is job hunting coming up?.. here it is, You're gonna go back home,the paternity suit,I had the police come over and they found narcotics and other incriminating drugs in your room and The lawyers I hired find you unsuitable to have a little girl around"Maria smiled.

" You're going this far  for a stranger"Alex nodded.

" I'm not. Stranger anymore,I'm the family's future daughter in law"Lady smiled.

" I'm going to break'll have no choice but to come back begging"Maria looked at Alex and walked out.

" Ciao"Lady followed her.

" I'm sorry,That was uncalled for"Alex said.

" It's okay"I smiled.

" Does your hand hurt alot,come here I'll tend to you"He said.

" I already did,I wanna shower and have a nap since i have no job anymore"I smiled and entered the bathroom.

I sat down on the toilet and let out my anger,letting out my sorrow.

I was standing in the way of His family,I wish I had never Forced Alex out.

We were so happy,why did I have to ruin it?

" My,Open up"Alex called.

" Go away"I cried.

" I'm going to break this door,"he swore.
He meant it.Alex never bluffed when it comes to me,I slowly opened the door and he sat on the floor with me.

" Why are you crying in here?you told me you wanted to shower"He asked quietly.

" I'm breaking up your family,you won't even get to see your daughter If they win the case against you,I'm the only thing standing between you and your family....I don't want you to live in regret for the rest of your life because I can never give Blossom or any other child to you"I looked at him.

" Blossom is my babygirl.Saying that I'm dealing in drugs means dragging my family down,my father would never risk can't give me a child directly but common we have other options, adoption or surrogacy,you're not standing between me and my family..their sick mentality is.We'll move and start over,I can always visit Blossom and when she's eighteen,she can finally choose who she wants to see more"He smiled.

" You're gonna be missing most of her childhood"I said.

" My visiting rights means I can have her for holidays and I can always take her on weekends..I won't miss a part of her life"He hugged me.

" I'm so sorry"I hugged him tightly.

" I'm sorry,you have to go through this"He said.

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