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I sat in the darkness angrily sucking, The door opened and I could hear Smart's sigh.

"Hi empty house" He muttered before switching on the light and letting out a terrifying scream that I'm sure everyone in the building heard.

"Are you okay?" I ran to him.
"How.. how.. oh my God! I thought my end is finally near.. oh.. oh" he slipped to the floor shaking.

I held him close until he calmed down enough to push me away.

"What are you doing sitting down in someone's house in the dark like a crazy ex" He asked throwing his keys on the table which missed and fell on the floor.

I picked them up and his bag which he had also Flung away.

"I'm sorry" I smiled.

"Don't smile.. no, don't do that" He pointed at me glaring.

"I heard you were out on a date with Kane.." I stood akimbo

"Not a date, just dinner"He replied.

" You know, you practically  just came  out to everyone in the office right"

" Its who I am, I wasn't even hiding it"

" That's okay"I sat down fiddling my fingers.

" I love you, Smart"I whispered.
" I love you too but if I don't push.. I'm going to be that hidden toy  under your closet forever"

" All I ask for is time"

" You've had all the time in the world, it's my turn now.. do you want to be with me or Lady"He asked.


" Seriously? How can you compare yourself to Lady? Its insultive and i won't take it... Its always you.. I'm going to break up with her"I smiled.

No, I'm not going to lose this man that meant everything to me.

" You'll come out? "He looked at me suspiciously.

" A step at a time, A breakup first"I smiled.

His face broke into a smile as he sat on my lap hugging me.

"How can I live without your sweet smile and hugs" I breathed in his scent that I've missed All day.

"Me too, I missed you" He chuckled as I bit his neck.

"No more dates with little Kane or any other person" I said looking at his face.

"It wasn't..." He began.

"The letter..." I  interrupted.

"Process it. I'm leaving, Vinco pharmacist offered me a place as their sales representative,it's time I started working for real"he smiled.

"That's my baby"I said proudly taking his lips hungrily.

We feverishly ran our hands over each other's body removing our clothes urgently.

" Home"I  moaned when he lowered himself on my painfully hard erection.
" Hmmm"He moaned moving slowly holding onto me to control his movements.

"I love you" I stared at his very handsome flushed face and lower lips between his teeth to keep himself from moaning loudly.

"Me too" He smiled.

I turned us over landing on the floor as I slipped into him again showing him just how much I missed him.

**"" "" "" ""***"" "" "_

Lady's hand landed on my right cheek for the second time.

"What? Break up?Dream on" She shouted.
We were In her sitting room and thankfully, Blossom was still at school.

"I'm not going to marry you when I don't love you" I said.

"Who cares about love?you love your daughter,your family likes me..your opinion don't matter...your family can make you do anything,you are nothing without them so stop acting like you're some big shot just because you....are a Salva" Lady scoffed sitting down.

"We'll see about that" I said and walked out

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