Decisions Decisions

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Misty was sitting in her side yard, bikini on and getting a sunbath. She sighed in contempt as she took a swig of lemonade beside her and folded her arms behind her back once again. As she was relaxing, a shadow began to loom over her. Misty tilted her sunglasses down and looked up to see her sister, Daisy, looking down at her. Misty sat up and looked up at her older blonde-haired sister.

Misty: What's up?

Daisy: I thought you were on a brand new journey with that boyfriend of yours.

Misty: (Y/N) is not my boyfriend! And I've been back for four days already!

Daisy: I was at Viridian City. Sorry, I'm not Violet and already jumping back on to being a gym leader.

Misty sighed as Daisy sat down beside her.

Daisy: You should have stayed with him.

Misty: Not you too!

Misty got up and stormed off a little bit. Daisy got up and saw as Misty walked back inside their house and kept going away. Daisy followed the younger sister inside and ran up to the second floor with her. As Misty tried to slam the door in her face, Daisy intercepted it with her foot and pushed herself inside the room. Misty groaned and turned back to Daisy, an unamused glare over her face. Daisy stepped up in front of her and crossed her arms.

Daisy: Sit down.

Misty: No. Get out of my room!

Daisy: I will when you sit down!

Misty: Since when are you, Mom and Dad?!

Daisy: Since now! Now talk to me, sis! You've been all moody since coming back! I thought he was a good friend. What the heck happened out there?

Misty: It's none of your business!

Daisy: It is my business when it concerns you! You're my little sister. So, what's wrong?

Misty: I don't know! Ok! He just started to get super aggressive in battle! When I called him out on it, he wouldn't speak about it! So, I just blew him off and that was that! I came home and I have no idea where he is at!

Daisy: No idea huh?

Daisy held up a phone. It was Misty's phone. The younger sister looked up in absolute shock and awe. She pointed to the device and then back to her sister. She did so a few times before she grew an enraged glare at the blonde.

Misty: How did you-

Daisy: He just passed through Celadon City. That was yesterday. Do you want to go after him, yes or no?

Misty: What are you-

Daisy: You have a choice. You know where he is going. You clearly want to be there. So, are you going to go after him or not?

Misty: No. He clearly didn't want me around.

Daisy: Maybe he was wrong. Maybe he really does want you there. You've seen his capabilities. Maybe if you are there, you could talk to him more directly and try and see what the route of the problem is.

Misty: Last time I did that he yelled at me. Thanks, but I'll pass on this one, sis.

Daisy: Well, maybe if you didn't pass at all, he would be in a better spot.

Misty: So, now it is my fault!

Daisy stopped herself and stepped back a little. She made some gestures with her fingers before she shook her head and looked back at Misty. She shook her head again and pointed at her.

Daisy: That's not the point! And you have been in a rut ever since you got home! Maybe if you both got back together-

Misty: Phrasing.

Daisy: ...maybe if you both teamed up again, then maybe everything will be better for you both. There's only one way to really tell.

Misty: I'm not hunting down him!

Daisy: Well, fine then. Stay the moody teenager you are. Or go out and actually make a difference for yourself and someone else.

Daisy sat up and began to leave the room. She turns back and smiles at Misty before she left the room. Misty sighed and walked back to her bed and sat down. She looked out her window and sighed some more. Psyduck walked up to her again and shook her leg. She looked down at her Pokemon and patted the duck's head. Misty sighed again and sat back a little.

Misty: Maybe she's right. I don't know.

Psyduck wailed a little as Misty looked back at the duck. Psyduck used Psychic again and carried over the picture from before. Misty grabbed it and looked at it. She then looked to her Pokemon and back to the picture.

Misty: I don't know. What if he blows up at me again? What if I blow up at him? There are too many unknown-

Psyduck tilted his head at her. Misty sighed and stood up. She formed a fist and ran over to her backpack and grabbed a Pokeball. She absorbed Psyduck into it and packed up a few more things into her bag. She stretched a little before she ran out of her room and down the stairs. Just before she reached the front door, she briefly saw Daisy looking out the window. However, Misty ignored her and kept running.

Daisy looked out from the window and laughed a little as she saw her little sister run down the road and back into the city streets. She sipped on some tea and turned around.

Daisy: Go get him, sis.

Misty kept running, only stopping when a cab was along the corner of the street. She quickly gave the man the fair and got into the back.

Misty: Fuchsia City, please. And quickly.

Taxi man: That's going to be well over 5 or 6 hours.

Misty: Worth it! Please drive! I have important issues there!

Taxi man: Whatever. So long as I get paid.

The driver got into the cab and took off driving down the street. Misty smiled and looked out the window and took in a deep breath.

Misty: (Thinking) This will work. We can work these problems to the bone and once they are done, we can see where things take us! God, I'm starting to sound like I love the guy now...

Misty face blushed up a little. She quickly shook her head, getting those thoughts out of her brain. Misty sighed a little before leaning back in her seat and looking out her window. She was going back to you. It may have not been the best decision, but it was her decision nonetheless. She looked back up and smiled wider a little bit more.

Misty: (Thinking) Yeah. And if he doesn't like it, then you can just bonk him upside the head, Misty. Maybe...that sounded a bit criminal. Whatever doesn't matter!

Misty smiled again as her taxi took off for places unknown...well, known but for the benefit of this sentence and thematic in writing, it makes much more sense to say "unknown." It also implies that either the narrator nor characters know what is to come next as it leaves the audience in suspense. This builds up tension and the most important thing of all is that it leads people like you suckers to continue reading so that whoever wrote this shit can get an influx of ego tool and promote other avenues of creativity such as his YouTube Channel or Twitch Channel. Links below.

On your end, you slowly awoke with your yawn as you sat upon your bed. It was low to the ground for certain, but it wasn't in a rough position. You stood up and stretched a little. You bent over and walked to the window and opened it slightly so the sun could beam down onto your face. You rubbed your eyes again and turned back to your door. You saw your Pokemon were nice and asleep around your room. You smiled and got some nice poke food for them ready and placed it in front of them all.

You looked back out your window and saw a lovely-looking pond beyond your building. You heard a knock on your door and smiled as you walked to it.

(Y/N): Alright guys. Let's get going. We got work to do.

You opened the door and stepped through, ready to experience the new world beyond what was already before you. It was a brand new day. And you were ready for it. Or at least you had hoped given what was to come.

Misty X Male Reader Death of a TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now