Welcome to Stone Town

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You and Misty slowly entered Stone Town, smiling at the sights. It was a quaint, small and lovely. Misty walked through the town like she owned the place while you were busy taking in the sights. It was a lovely little place and that was that, to be frank. You turned to her and she smiled back at you. She took your hand in with hers and you both continued on the walk. Once you guys get to a crossroad, she pulled you over towards the far right.

Misty: Come on. My friend lives down here.

(Y/N): And who is this friend exactly?

Misty: His name is Ryan. Rock type master. And if there is one thing he has done, it is working on those strategies of yours.

(Y/N): I trust you, but you are really hyping this guy up.

Misty: Then we should probably go on out and prove it.

She laughed a little and winked at you. You laughed a little and followed her. You guys walked on down and found a large pit. A few people were standing around, cheering on whoever was in the pit. You looked at Misty as she gestured to the pit. You glanced down and saw the lanky man with a hard hat and a buffed man in a heated battle.

The skinny one watched as his Golem roll out along the ground, slamming into a Machamp. Machamp pushed back against the Golem.

Lanky Man: Earthquake.

Golem grabbed Machamp and threw him down onto the ground.

Bulky Man: Seismic Throw!

Machamp tried to grab Golem but it was too late as the earthquake went off and smashed into the Pokemon's back. Machamp screamed as its back was destroyed. Golem used roll out again and slammed into Machamp's body, knocking out the pokemon. The spectators all cheered as the lanky man smirked a little, giving out a two-finger salute while he absorbed his Golem.

Lanky Man: Thanks for the show. We can play again some time.

He began to walk away, leaving the bulky man on the ground with his pokemon. Meanwhile, you were just amazed. That was a rock and ground type beating out a pure fighting type. By all accounts, this lanky SOB should have lost. You looked at Misty and she smiled warmly.

Misty: Yep. That's him alright.

(Y/N): That? Is your friend?

Misty: Yep.

(Y/N): Well then...

Misty: (Y/N) (L/N). Meet Warren Ellsworth.

You looked down and saw Warren slowly walk up the hill and smile at Misty.

Warren: Hey! Long time, no see.

Warren and Misty smiled at one another before hugging each other. When they separated, Misty quickly turned back to you and smiled.

Misty: Oh, Warren. This is, (Y/N). My boyfriend.

Warren: Hey, told you it would come.

Misty blushed a giggled a little. You released a small laugh and shook Warren's hand.

Warren: I do hate to be 'that guy' but I take it you didn't come here for a social visit?

Misty: More or less.

Warren: Alright, what's up?

(Y/N): Training.

Warren slowly began to smile at you.

You two were welcomed into his home, watching him get some drinks together for you guys. He smiled as he walked over with said drinks and set them down on the table. He had a booth table, giving you and Misty a comfy time while he took the one chair he had left. Along the ground, your pokemon, Misty's, and Warren's were all eating pokemon food, enjoying their time together.

Misty X Male Reader Death of a TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now