What's Next?

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You and Misty just stayed there in that hug for some time. It wasn't much, but still, you two just held one another close for some time. After about 10 minutes though, you two broke apart and just called it a night there. You returned back to your own room while Misty crashed down onto the couch. There wasn't much else to say on the matter, you both called it there and left it be. When the new morning arose, it was a similar situation with yesterday as Koga would take you and your Pokemon out back to meditate.

Misty watched from the inside as Psyduck popped from his poke ball and looked out back with them. Janine walked into view of the window as well and looked over to Misty.

Janine: How has your sister been?

Misty: Which one?

Janine: Oh. The one taking over from your old post.

Misty: Daisy. She's fine. I think she's going to handle the gym well again. I wouldn't worry about it all that much. She'll be more than fine. As for you, how are you handling your gym leader responsibilities?

Janine: It was hectic at first, but it was nice to know that my father was there to support me. It gets easier with time.

Misty: That's for certain. So, what does this exactly accomplish?

Janine: Standard meditation. A way for both the trainer and the Pokemon to breathe and regain focus. This way their nerves calm down and finding the route of mental issues can be found and solved. It is the best way to deduce mental struggles.

Misty nodded and looked back out the window. You took in another deep breath as you continued your meditation. Koga paced behind you and stopped himself once you took in about your fourth breath.

Koga: Breathe. Focus all your energy into mastering your anger. You have found the correct road, now you must go down the path to complete it.

You nodded and began to focus on the issues from your past. Then your thoughts moved to Misty. The fight you two had in Vermillion City, the fact that you two had almost grew up together. The pain you caused her and the pain you were in during the entire situation. And then it fell back to you being lazy since you were focusing on this. On yourself for a change and not doing work. Hell, you had no idea why you even thought that way.

People weren't counting on you to win the day. No one needed you to go out and fight in these battles. So, what on earth were you trying to prove to anyone? You were already a good trainer. You had captured and trained a couple of Pokemon. You knew how to handle these things. So why on earth were you even doing this adventure at all? Why were you pushing yourself to your limit for this? It just couldn't make sense to you and it just hurt more and more.

(Y/N): I don't know why...I don't-

Koga: It's ok not to know. You have found the route of the problem. And that is where your importance matters. Now then, shall we tackle this issue?

(Y/N): Yes. I believe we should.

Koga: Then come with me young one. We have work to do elsewhere.

You nodded and began to follow Koga off of his property. Misty looked out from her table and saw you wander off. You didn't turn back as Misty got up and ran to the window. However, Janine stopped her from running out after you. Misty turned to her and glared a little.

Janine: Let them work it out.

Misty: But I'm-

Janine: You may see yourself as the source of his pain, but it can only be fixed when he confronts it himself.

Misty turned from Janine and out back to where you were walking. The walk was a silent one, no conversation, just the wind blowing in the background as you walked through the city. The only time the air broke was when a passerby waved high to Koga and a welcome back as well. You stayed silent as you two approached the gym and Koga unlocked it.

(Y/N): So, what are we doing here at the gym? We're not having a Pokemon battle, are we?

Koga: No. But these are called gyms for a reason. Pick a Pokemon and begin your workouts.

(Y/N): Excuse me?

Koga: Physical exercise and getting your anger out often coincide with one another. If you can find an outlet for your issues, then you could continue onward towards your path of peace.

You nodded and passed out your Machop. He turned back to you and smiled a little bit. You nodded at your fighting type and together, you both took off and began to pull weights, squats, lifts, running a track, and a punching bag. You may have gone to town a little much on that last one.

All the while, Koga was watching you, seeing you progress more and more. And well, he was almost impressed. Nah, he was impressed, smiling even. Although you couldn't see it at all, deep down he was. You would switch out Machop for Charmeleon for a little moment just to get in some training but went back to Machop to give him so love. You both went through some drills over practicing punches, and pushups.

During such a drill, Machop was practicing punches beside you until a bright flash began to glow beside you. Your eyes widen as you turned to face your Pokemon. You saw it grow in size and muscle mass and eventually popped again. You stepped back and smiled as your Machop finally evolved into a Machoke.

Machoke roared out and you smiled at him. You wanted to hug him so desperately. You looked back to Koga and saw your teacher gesture to your Pokemon. You hugged Machoke who quickly hugged you back. You laughed as your saw your Pokemon grow before your very eyes. However, the celebrations had to be cut down as Koga wanted you both to focus on training. Still, you were ready to see what your new and improved fighting type move set.

Koga continued to push you two to the max for the rest of the day. As the sun then sat on the Kanto Region, you and Koga returned back to his home. Misty was sitting out on the front porch of the house reading a little with Psyduck. Psyduck quickly tapped Misty's leg and the redhead looked up to see you walking slowly back to the house. Misty smiled as she saw you approaching. Her mouth dropped again when she saw the Machoke behind you.

Misty ran from the porch down and stopped just before you. She placed a hand on your shoulder and smiled at you. You sighed and smiled back at her, nodding a little bit before you Machoke walked up and flexed a little. Misty giggled a little as Koga passed you both. Once he did, Misty turned around and saw the old former gym leader walk away from you both. You pushed past Misty and reached out to your teacher a little bit.

(Y/N): Koga?

Koga: You continue to go down the correct path. I believe your time here is coming to an end. Perhaps a few more days if that. You should be proud of yourself.

(Y/N): I...thank you.

Koga: Do not thank me. Thank those around you from the start. They have helped you back.

Koga continued onward back into his home. You looked at Misty and smiled at her. You place a hand on her shoulder and smiled at her. She laughed a little and together you both walked back to the house together. You threw Machoke back into his poke ball before you got inside. Once there, you only grabbed a quick bit and went straight to bed. Mentally, you were happy. And damn, were you ready to take on the challenges of the next few gym battles. Whether the leaders were ready or not.

Misty X Male Reader Death of a TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now