What Now

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The battle against Blue had ended in your favor. You had swept the pokemon gym leader, walking out with two pokemon drained but not knocked out and with Charizard perfectly in tack. You cracked your neck a little like some sort of victory scream. However, nothing really came from it this time around. Unlike all your previous times of doing it, there was no satisfaction in the crack. There was nothing. And now, you walked out of the gym at Viridin City and could only say one thing left; what now?

You were destined to go ahead and find and challenge the Champion, do all you could to fight them off. But...there was nothing. You couldn't feel the satisfaction of battling anymore. It had been seven months since you grinded out your pokemon, got them to as strong as they could. Trained daily with them. And now, there was a void in your heart. You walked out of the gym and found yourself a nice tree, and climbed on up, looking up to the sky as you thought. Was it because you didn't have someone to spend the victory with? No...that's dumb.

But...you did miss her. You shook your head, getting the thoughts out of your head. It doesn't matter about that anymore. She left you. And you were happy about that. Then why...why did you feel this pain inside your chest. You looked back up to the cloudy sky and sighed a little, resting still on the branches. There was nothing more to do. No, you had to prove you were the best! But at what cost?

You gritted your teeth a little and clenched your head. This did not need to be a thing right now. Like, it really didn't. The mental stress was already enough to kill you completely. You stopped yourself as you felt the ultimate betrayal of your body. You felt a few tears beginning to fall from your eyes. You whipped them away quickly, making sure no one could have even seen them. You felt a few more tears until you finally sucked them back in and stopped yourself from crying.

And then...finally, the words of Koga slammed into you hard and fast.

Koga: (Echoing in your head) This is about how you are sacrificing everything for a simple piece of metal. What I am doing, though, is questioning your motives. Why are you doing this? What do you get out of it?

A few more tears came from your eyes as you had the realization hit you. All that reflecting finally poured down onto your mind as your eyes bared the brunt of the damage. You gripped your fists together and folded your arms, letting them cross your chest in an attempt to fight them off. But you just couldn't. You couldn't do it anymore. You cried...you cried and wept up in that tree as it all hit you. And you asked the question people demanded you ask for the longest time:

(Y/N): Oh my god...am I the bad guy...?

You grabbed Charizard's poke ball and looked it over. You just let the idea continue to linger in your head as you reflected on everything you gave up to earn those badges. You gave up your home, your life, your love, your dignity, your integrity, your passions, your free time...and for what? For 8 pieces of metal. For being all alone. For being bitter. For being just like your father...who left to be his own pokemon master.

What an absolute fool you were. And to say otherwise was a farce. You whipped your eyes from the tears and sighed a little. You leaned forward and jumped down from the tree. You rubbed your eyes a little more as you took a deep breath. You didn't know what to do from here. Would you go home? Would you try the championship? Would you try to find dad...?

You sighed a little and leaned against the wall of the gym building. You just had to think things through right here and now to see what you could even consider doing at all.

(Y/N): (Thinking) I...I don't want to go back. I can't. Mom is surely pissed. Misty and her family are pissed. It is a small city. Most of Kanto knows of me and hates me...

You screamed in your head as you turned around and slammed your forehead onto the wall. You sighed a little as you just stayed there, waiting and thinking along right now. You rubbed your eyes again and just stayed there. Thinking. You took a deep breath as you walked down the street out of the city. You just wanted to get away from it all right now. More specifically, just the idea of battling.

As you walked down the road, you pulled out your phone and looked at the top contacts. Your mother, and Misty. You didn't want to call either of them. But at the same time, did you really have a choice on the matter? You groaned a little more and crashed down, stopping next to a large tree. You glanced down at your phone once more and saw Misty's name at the top of the contacts list. You groaned a little and took a deep breath.

(Y/N): Honestly...fuck it, man.

You hit the call button to see what would happen. You saw the device ring and ring, but nothing happened. It wasn't surprising to you, given all you had done to her. You took a deep breath as it went to voice mail shortly afterward. You groaned a little and ended the call.

(Y/N): Of course. Alright then. Well...guess if I'm going to be yelled at by anyone...

You pressed the call button on your mom's contact. After the third ring, there was an answer.

Mother: Hello?

(Y/N): Hey...Mom. How's it going?

Mother: (Y/N)? Where in the WORLD have you been? I've been worried sick about you!

(Y/N): I-I know. I've just...been dealing with some stuff.

Mother: Some stuff?! You could have at least called me! I'm your mother, for god's sake! Do you have any idea on how worried I was when I didn't hear anything from you?

(Y/N): You could have called me too, you know.

Mother: Don't change the subject!

You heard your mother laugh a little. Slowly, you formed a smile on your lips as you whipped a few tears away. Your mother stopped her rant as she heard you and basically ceased it all together.

Mother: What's wrong?

(Y/N): W-What? Nothing. I just got my 8th Badge, is all.

Mother: Oh...well, you don't seem overjoyed.

(Y/N): I-I am. I just-

Mother: Let it out. I am your mother, after all.

You sighed a little and walked around the far side of the tree to stay out of view of the path. You then just broke down. You spilled everything to her. All the pain before her and everything done to you and against you. Specifically, though, all the places where you messed up the most. And she listened the entire time to your pleads of sadness and depression. And with nothing to really show for it, what was left truly?

Mother: Well, how about you just take a break, sweetie? Come home. No one here is going out to get you.

(Y/N): Misty would. So would her family.

Mother: I doubt that highly. Now come home. I'll see you then. Does that sound good?

(Y/N): (Sighs) Alright. I'll be there. Give me like a month. Does that sound good to you?

Mother: Perfect. Please stay safe. I love you.

(Y/N): I love you too. I'll talk to you soon.

You hung up after the hour-long conversation and leaned back on the tree. You took a deep breath and rubbed your face a little. You took a deep breath and walked back onto the path, making your way home. You had no idea what would happen when you returned to your home city, but frankly, you didn't really care at this point. You had so much time to reflect that it didn't really matter on what would happen to you. You deserved it in your mind.

You slowly walked back down the path and pulled out your phone once again. You took a deep breath and pressed the call button again to contact Misty. Still, it just rang and rang. You looked down at it and sighed.

(Y/N): Not surprised at all.

However, across the region, Misty looked down at her phone and watched it ring with your contact on the screen. She sighed a little and pressed the off button of her phone.

Misty: No...never again.

She took a deep breath and smile widely as she looked up. Down across the valley was Ceruluan City. Misty smiled and walked down the road, happy to be home. Happy to have made the best decision she could. Happy to be her own person once more.

Misty X Male Reader Death of a TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now