Back on the Road

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The next two days of your training with Koga went off to be about the same as it always was. You would meditate, do some physical training and shake things up a little bit as the day went on. This time, you got to play around a little with Pokemon move sets and some battling. Not much but it was a nice change of pace to say the least. Plus, you did finally get to use Machoke in a battle sense and man did he smoke the competition. I mean, it did nothing against any go Koga's Pokemon but it was good with a small one on one against Misty.

It was really your Kadabra and Haunter that saved you from getting seriously harmed. The resistant stat really helped out there. But that was beside the point. After about six to seven days Koga had deemed you ready to resume your journey and this chapter of your life closed. So, you and Misty had packed up your gear and gotten ready to head out. You strapped on your watch, gotten your hat dusted off and cleaned up the room Koga had let you stay it. You did one last scan before you nodded, calling it there.

You walked down the stairs and back into the main room of the house. Koga had finished preparing a small breakfast for you all. However, you didn't see your teacher within the kitchen itself, rather just Misty and her Pokemon. You glanced past a way and saw Koga hug Janine quickly before she waved goodbye and ran off. Today would be the first day the gym officially reopened. Janine had closed it to assist you with your better development as Koga also returned home per Erika's request.

Were you happy with that sacrifice, oh certainly. But still, you never did want to be a hindrance to the city as a whole. Koga walked back into the kitchen and stood beside you.

Koga: Are you ready?

(Y/N): I believe so.

Koga: Do you know so?

(Y/N): Yes. I know.

Koga: Hm. Good. Eat up. The walk back to Celadon City will take you about 4 hours. You can't leave on an empty stomach.

You nodded to him and did as requested. You sat down beside Misty and ate silently. That was until Misty broke it and struck up a conversation with Koga. The two had been friends since they worked as gym leaders for some time together. It was nice to see two friends catch up as they finally had a chance to do so.

You remained silent, not wanting to push into this conversation between these two. Still, you had finished your breakfast and left the table for some time until Misty and Koga walked back to the living room together. It wasn't much, but it was still nice and all. Still, once breakfast was over for everyone, you and Misty had to head back. You guys finished your packing and strapped everything together. As you two walked out the door, you turned back to Koga for a brief second.

(Y/N): Thank you. I know this is not how you wanted to spend your week. And-

Koga held up his hand.

Koga: There is no need. I am glad you made the progress you needed. Not just for your skills as a trainer, but as a person. You should be proud.

(Y/N): Well, we shall see.

Koga: Indeed. Before you left, I felt that you earned this for your efforts.

Koga reached back and placed a small sheet of plastic and metal into your hand. The Soul Badge. You quickly looked up to him, stunned.

(Y/N): I can't accept this.

Koga: I believe you can. You shouldn't worry about a battle. Especially given what you have been able to accomplish. Just remember your lessons and keep them in practice.

(Y/N): I understand.

Koga placed a hand on your shoulder and nodded at you. You nodded back and walked off back to Misty. You both waved goodbye and took off back to Celadon City. As you guys were walking, Misty turned to you and smiled a little bit.

Misty: So, I take it you are a bit better.

(Y/N): A little bit, yes. It's going to take time regardless of what I do. Still...four badges down.

Misty: (Giggles) Of course you default straight to that.

(Y/N): I try. So...why did you come back? Really this time?

Misty: What do you mean?

(Y/N): Dont get me wrong, love the emotional support, but that can't just be the sole reason you showed back up.

Misty blushed slightly before shifting her focus forward and continued to walk onward, just completely ignoring you. You blinked twice before you shook your head. She was already a good distance from you, so you just stayed focused on the road ahead and followed her. You weren't going to push. Heck, you didn't want to be angry at all.

So, you just followed behind her as you both walked back to the city together.

(Y/N): So, with that said, are you sure about this?

Misty: Don't make me regret this. I already added more to my team. And since you now have half to the badges, I'd figured we could enter some Pokemon contests together.

(Y/N): Still don't see the appeal behind those things.

Misty: It's fancy.

(Y/N): It's high society crap.

Misty: Well that could explain a lot about you then.

(Y/N): Excuse me?

Misty laughed a little as she continued to walk down the pathway. You sighed and followed behind her. You two stayed in silence for most of the walk, not really pestering one another at all. After a couple of hours, you guys found a nice rest area and stopped to relax a little. It wasn't much, just a nice picnic area but it was still impressive. After about an hour break, you two got back on the road to go back to the city. Again, relative silence was your friend.

Finally though, you were able to reach Celadon City within no time. You sighed as you walked into the large clearing and looked around. Misty passed you by and smiled as she looked around too.

(Y/N): First time in Celadon?

Misty: Not exactly. But I just pass through every once and awhile. I don't really get the chance to stay here.

(Y/N): Well, now you can. I say we lay low here for a little bit and move out in a few days. Since I already have the Soul Badge, so going straight to Saffron City should be a breeze from here. Then we make our way to Cinnabar and bam. We're good to go!

Misty: Nice to see you are still focused as ever.

(Y/N): I try. Now then, our first stop should be the condominiums. Getting us a good place to stay. After that, we still need to find the gym.

Misty: Way ahead of you on that one. Come on. Let's get going.

You were a bit taken aback but you followed Misty nonetheless. She was able to pick a building relatively close by and heck even the staff seemed to know her. Before you were shown to your rooms, you stopped her and pulled her back slightly.

(Y/N): So, uh, how?

Misty: Gym leader, remember. I use to come here on battle trips with Erika.

(Y/N): Uh. Good to know.

You both entered your room and saw what was in store. A nice couch, massive beds, large bathroom and a full kitchen. It felt more like an apartment than a hotel room. Misty gestured for you to come to the back window and you did so reluctantly.

Misty: And down there is the gym.

(Y/N): Really?! I thought that place was another apartment building. Man, I'm really starting to hate this city.

Misty: Yep. So then, are you ready?

(Y/N): I know I am.

Misty: Then let's get going.

Misty began to walk out of the room as you looked back down at the gym. You smiled and turned your head back to Misty.

(Y/N): (Thinking) Man. Talk about luck.

You smiled and followed after your friend as you both walked down and got ready for another gym battle.

WHAT? It ends there. Yeah, twist! You guys aren't together yet! What is this? Shaking things up a little obviously! Need to hold you guys captive somehow. 

Misty X Male Reader Death of a TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now