Her Side

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Misty had spent weeks debating these emotions in her head. She spent weeks with you. And well, yeah, things were growing on you. Your commitment was something Misty was slowly starting to admire. Sure you could be stubborn as well, but it was also something you and Misty had in common, and well, it was nice, to say the least. Having that bonding side really did help her get pulled in. Aside from that Misty was just as ready for this journey as you were. For her, it was a way to relive some of her fond memories.

But it was also a way for her to grow and watch you grow up as well. Sure, some wouldn't consider their close childhood friend as a possible crush, especially during the teenage years but she never saw an issue with it. Especially when you pushed to enter the pokemon league. Then things really got going hot and fast.

Sure that argument after Surge really tipped her off, going home to think about life. Thoughts of you would always drift inside her head, always. It was both hyper annoying and honestly something she needed. With that new added bonus...yeah. Things just seemed a lot better in her mind. She knew what she wanted. It was you. Now it would all just be a matter of telling you about it.

Of course, unknown to her, you were having the exact same thoughts and feelings as her, so the struggle was mutual. Clearly, though, she hid it much better than you ever did. You were moving up and down mountains with this sick feeling over your face. This entire time, Misty just thought it was the nerves of being up so high and walking this great of distance. So, when she sat down, she wasn't expecting a love confession.

Which brings us to the modern-day. There you two were standing, confused, lost, and just unsure of what to do next. You rubbed your arm a little as you turned away from her. Inside your head, you had lost. There was little to no chance. To Misty, this was it. And finally, she knew she needed to act upon it.

You were taken aback. A little bit of both? You slowly looked at her with some raised eyebrows. She turned to you as well. You both just looked at one another, unsure of what to do next. You two just let the silence of the universe take you both by shock and surprise. You slowly moved closer to her and sat down beside her. Silence still in the air.

(Y/N): So, what now?

Misty: You...you want to try it?

(Y/N): Maybe? I don't know.

Misty: You were the one who admitted to it first.

(Y/N): Fair point.

You two looked at one another. It was Misty you cracked first and gave off a smile. You slowly returned it. Next thing either of you two knew, you were leaning in close to one another and soon your lips connected. You felt a hand on your cheek as you went ahead and kissed Misty.

You both pulled away slightly and smiled as you looked into each other's eyes. Misty had her hand on your cheek still as she gave you a warm smile. You had a slightly confused look on your face until you cracked and gave off another smile. She giggled a little as you both just smiled at one another and wrapped your arms around each other.

(Y/N): So...now what?

Misty: I have no idea.

(Y/N): Well, that is reassuring.

You both laughed a little as you rested against the log you guys were using for a backboard. You guys really had no idea what to do next. You both just looked into the flames and rested a little. You guys honestly had no idea what to do next. You guys shifted from the fires over to each other.

(Y/N): Well?

Misty: Again...I have no idea.

You slowly moved a hand up and wrap an arm around her. Misty blushed a little as she looked at both your hand and then over to you. You gave her a warm, smile, trying to calm her down a little. She eventually smiles warmly as she moves her head down and lets it rest on your shoulder. You both looked into the flames,

(Y/N): So, what now?

Misty: You have asked that 3 times already.

(Y/N): Fair point. Still, I just want to know what we do next.

Misty: Just call it a night here. We can figure out all this tomorrow.

You nodded slightly as Misty pecked your cheek. You looked at her and smiled. She got up, walked over, and laid down in her sleeping bag. You smiled at her and walked over to your own.

(Y/N): Good night.

Misty: Goodnight.

You both smiled at one another before calling it a night there. As the night went on, you both had a good night rest for once in your lives. You guys couldn't tell if it was getting all those emotions out of your system or if it was because you guys found some ground that allowed solid sleep was entirely up in the air. But either way, it was a nice change of pace.

The morning came and you guys got up slowly. You guys waved to one another a good morning, got yourselves some food, and relaxed a little. While you wanted to talk about the relationship you now had with her, but she was moving a little fast about the whole thing. Still, you guys got backed up and got off the mountain and moved down slightly towards the mountain into a valley.

Misty: Here we are. Stone Town.

Misty gestured into the valley. You walk up and see it. A small town in the middle of the valley. You smiled at her as you both looked out across the valley.

(Y/N): Quaint.

Misty: Yep. Ready?

(Y/N): Don't really have an option there.

Misty: Nope.

Misty giggled a little and grabbed your hand, pulling you down towards the valley. As you guys were walking, you caught up the pace with her and held her hand tightly.

(Y/N): So...if I may?

Misty: What is it?

(Y/N): What about us?

Misty: What do you mean?

(Y/N): Well, should we like, establish something about this. Like, a date or something? I'm just not sure how to really go about this?

Misty: Are you...are you asking about how to form a relationship?

(Y/N): A little bit, yeah.

Misty: I don't know. You ever watched a romance movie before?

(Y/N): They typically end with either the leads dying or kissing and ending there.

Misty: Ok, fair point.

You guys walked a little more until you stepped in front of her.

(Y/N): I'm serious about this one.

Misty: So am I.

(Y/N): So...what do we do about it then?

Misty: Nothing. There is nothing we can do. We just live life like how we were beforehand and we can do stuff later about it. If you want, we can go out on a date. We can get food. We can give gifts. It's whatever. Why is this such a big thing for you?

(Y/N): Because I don't know what I'm doing now. And I want to do the best possible job.

Misty slowly pushed your hands down, off of her, and took your hands in with yours. She gave you a smile as she leaned up and cupped your cheeks. She gave you a warm smile and pecked your lips again. You smiled at her and she hugged you a little.

Misty: There is nothing you need to worry about. Not from me, not from us. Now, let's get your butt into gear and get you some badges.

(Y/N): Right.

She giggled a little and took your hand and walked down the pathway. You followed her down and laughed a little. You had no idea if this would work or not. You had no idea if you could even win those gym battles. But you had Misty on your side. And honestly, it could work out. It was all a matter of time.

And who could ever say love wouldn't be a good motivator?

Misty X Male Reader Death of a TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now