Vs. Erika

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You walked into the gym, slowly moving up and getting into the main arena. You saw Erika placing three poke ball into different slots. She patted them before seeing you walking up. She smiled warmly at you and walked over to the other side of the arena. You glanced up to the stands and saw Misty sitting down. She smiled at you and nodded. You nodded back and got ready for combat.

Erika grabbed three poke balls and walked up to the battleground. You cracked your knuckles and walked up to her. A referee walked up and stood between you both. You reached out and she did as well, both shaking the other's hand.

Erika: I am happy to see you back.

(Y/N): Happy to be back.

Erika: How was your training with Kuga?

(Y/N): Better. Now then, let's not worry about that. I want to take this gym on like a pro.

Erika nodded as you both stepped back. You cracked your neck this time and jumped up and down slightly, hyping yourself up for the battle. The referee looked at Erika who nodded back and then he looked down at you. You gave him a nod as well. He nodded back and took a step away.

Referee: The battle between Gym Leader Erika and Challenger (Y/N) will begin..now!

Erika tossed out a poke ball and out popped Tangela. You smirked a little threw out Nidoran. You smirked a little as Erika looked back at you.

Erika: Use Bind!

(Y/N): Toxic!

Both pokemon went up into an attack base. Tangela's whips moved out to attack but Nidoran's small body was able to dodge most of the attacks and get in close towards the tangled web of a pokemon. Nidoran released the poison into the air and got it close to Tangela. Once the poison was released, Tangela's whips hit your pokemon and knocked them down along the ground.

(Y/N): Poison sting!

Nidoran quickly got up as Tangela tried the same attack again. Tangela was able to bind Nidoran and throw him up and slam down onto the ground. However, before Tangela could do so, Nidoran was able to land a hit in and poisoned Tangela. Tangela took a step back as Nidoran was knocked out.

You absorbed Nidoran and smiled at the poke ball.

(Y/N): Nice work buddy.

You tossed out another poke ball as your strategy was working slightly. Charmeleon emerged and roared a little.

(Y/N): Ember.

Before Erika could even react, Charmeleon unleashed a beam of fire and knocked Tangela out with ease. Erika was taken aback by the swiftness of the attack. She smiled still and absorbed Tangela back into its poke ball.

Erika: Victreebel. Take her!

Erika's Victreebel emerged and roared out.

Erika: Razor leaf.

(Y/N): Get up close for an ember!

Victreebel released a fury of razor leaves. Charmeleon dodged a couple of them but was still hit in the crossfire. Still, she got up close and released a massive blast of ember into the face of Victreebel.

Erika: WRAP!

Victreebel wrapped hits vines around Charmeleon, fighting back against the flames, and slammed your partner down onto the ground, forming a crater just before it passed out. Charmeleon slowly got to her feet as you were cheering her up.

(Y/N): Come on, buddy! We got work to do!

Charmeleon growled a little as Erika's final pokemon emerged from its ball, Vileplume. You cracked your neck and glared ahead slightly.

Misty X Male Reader Death of a TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now