Warring States

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You yawned a little and stretched as you got up from your bed in the hotel room you rented out while at Cinnabar Island. You strapped up your shows and stood up straight, bending your back a little as you woke yourself up. You jumped a little and shadowboxed slightly, going on with your morning routine. You cracked your knuckles and walked over to your bathroom. You looked at yourself in the mirror and glanced over yourself. You took a deep breath and another step away, bending backward a little. You could feel your back-breaking a little, so you bit down on your tongue.

(Y/N): Son of a...damn that hurt...

You sighed and rubbed the back of your neck and head. You walked out of the bathroom once you were freshened up and got dressed for the day. Your plan now was to make a B-line directly towards Viridian City through Pallet Town and face the final gym leader. You were a little nervous if you were being openly honest with yourself. But now wasn't the time to think about that. Now was the time for action!

You absorbed your team in their poke balls, ran downstairs to nab the breakfast provided by the hotel and you were on the first ship to Pallet Town. You loaded up on the free food, making sure you could get all that you could on your plate, and sat on down. The center also had some bowls and pokemon food ready. You checked out as some other trainers, and random citizens staying at the hotel had their pokemon stationed there and eating as well. You grabbed some food and picked a booth spot relatively alone, and went to town.

You had a few massive bites down here and there but slowed down as you felt a general sense of unease. Once you stopped, you perked your head up and glanced around at the café's front. A few eyes darted away from you. A few others didn't. You weren't really surprised. A few "lucky" trainers have their battles transmitted over the region for citizens to enjoy. A practice go-ahead for massive tournaments and the championship run.

It wasn't like your battle with Blaine was a blowout. Sure, you crushed some of his pokemon, but at the loss of your Charizard, Rhyhorn, and a greatly damaged Machoke. You rolled your eyes and continued to eat your food. It wasn't your priority on how others felt. Not anymore.

You cracked your neck a little and leaned back in your booth seat. Charizard glanced over from her food and back to you. You raised your eyebrow as she looked at you. Charizard huffed a little, causing Machoke, Haunter, and Kadabra to look up from their seat across from you and over to your partner.

(Y/N): What's going on with you, girl? Not getting enough sleep.

Charizard huffed and continued to eat her food. You pinched the bridge of your nose, a little frustrated by the actions of your pokemon and partner.

Misty: Annoying. Isn't it?

Your head perked up, and you turned around from your seat to see Misty standing there. She looked at you and waved a little.

Misty: Nice to see you again, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Uh, h-hi. What are you doing here?

Misty: Here to see you. We need to talk.

(Y/N): Why does everyone want to have serious conversations with me when I'm just trying to eat my food?

Misty rolled her eyes and smiled at you. You smiled a little back at her as your pokemon finished their food a little fast. Misty sat down across from you and looked you in the eyes. Once your pokemon were absorbed back into your poke balls. You looked up to Misty and gestured for her to begin.

Misty: I saw your battle with Blaine. It was pretty intense.

(Y/N): I mean, you do what you gotta do. I'm just annoyed I couldn't do better. Should have been more forceful. Who knows. The point is it's over, and the badge is, in my case.

Misty X Male Reader Death of a TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now