Catch-Up Time (Epilogue Part 2)

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You two continued to stay there, looking at one another like idiots. You coughed a little to gain Misty's attention proper. She perked up a little and looked at you. You glanced back up the pier and stopped yourself from speaking a little until the words finally found their way to your lips.

(Y/N): So, uh, you want to head on down to grab a bite? There is this really nice seafood place just a few blocks down the road.

Misty: Oh, uh, that's nice. But I'm alright. Got some work to do around the seaboard here before heading back up towards Pallet Town.

(Y/N): Oh, what are doing anyway?

Misty: Just some research on water-type pokemon for Professor Oak. Simple task. Working with Professor Sonia on some evolutionary theories. One of her

Misty looked over at you. You raised your hand, telling her you pieced it together already.

Misty: Boyfriend has a Charizard who can Dynamx. We want to figure out the cause.

You nodded along with her. You crossed your arms a little, making a casual pose a little.

(Y/N): Impressive. You must be very proud of yourself.

Misty: That is why I am doing it. Obviously.

You nodded along with her a little. Misty walked past you, letting you step to the side. You sighed and walked after her, trying to catch up to her. Misty sighed a little and turned around to face you. You had a look of trying to piece everything together for her. You go to speak a little, but Misty raises her hand to stop you. You looked back at her a little concerned, as she stepped up to you.

Misty: I need to get back to work. And I need to-

(Y/N): I'm sorry.

Misty stopped herself and looked back at you, raising an eyebrow.

(Y/N): It was my fault. I just...realized that after I beat Blue, unsatisfied I was with myself. With the things, I had done. I didn't mean to go out of my way to hurt you or anymore. It was tunnel vision, and I just...I've just that built up for the past few years, and I just really haven't been able to tell you in person, and I just-

Misty: (Y/N), I appreciate the sentiment. But we've all moved on. But...I shall accept your apology.

Misty placed her hand on your shoulder and smiled up at you. You slowly returned the smile, and she sighed a little. She took a step back and pulled her arms up closer to herself, almost like she was trying to defend herself. You let her, taking a step back too. You gave her a faint smile and nodded at her.

(Y/N): be getting back to work.

Misty: Right. Right.

(Y/N): Uh...I-I think I already know the answer to this...but...will I see you again?

Misty: I leave that up to fate, if I'm being honest.

You were a bit shocked but nodded along. You gave her a smile and took a step back from her. You gestured for her to walk away, and she did so. However, she stopped herself and turned to you, and smiled a little. She gave you a nod, and you returned it as she walked away. You smiled as you watched her for a few seconds before turning back towards the sea.

As Misty walked up off of the pier, she stopped herself and glanced over to see Maggie and Luca.

Misty: You two friends of his?

Luca: Yeah?

Misty smiled a little and gave them a two-finger salute.

Misty: Watch him for me. He's a bit of an idiot. So, do me that much, would you?

Maggie: Sure. Whatever.

Misty smiled a little and walked down the road. She smiled a little, taking her steps slowly, one at a time. Her head perked up a little as she walked down the street, smile on her face.

Misty: Interesting friends you got there, (Y/N). Very interesting indeed.

Misty walked away, enjoying her time as she rounded the corner out of the field of view from the pier. You turned from her and looked back out across the sea, smiling to yourself a little. You enjoyed the moment of quiet as Luca and Maggie walked up to you. Luca took up a position in front of you as Maggie sat down on a dock pole.

Luca: You ok there, bud?

(Y/N): Yep. Never better.

Luca: Really, because I have never seen someone get dumped so fast and so painfully.

Maggie: You have never seen yourself then.

Luca: You're right. I haven't. Problem solved.

You rolled your eyes a little, slightly annoyed. Yet, you chuckled all the same. Both Luca and Maggie looked to one another and then back to you, confused. You laughed a little and rubbed the back of your neck slightly. You took a deep breath and smiled, walking forward along the dock a little to get away from Maggie and Luca. Luca goes to follow you but Maggie stops him as you get some distance. From your back belt, you take out a poke ball and look at it. You take a deep breath and throw it towards the water, only for it to open, and your Charizard emerges from it.

She flapped her wings, slowly coming over towards you. You smiled up at her and hugged her, craning your neck a little. She landed down on the dock as you smiled and pet her some more.

(Y/N): Nice to see you again, girl.

You smiled and turned over towards Luca and Maggie. Both of them smiled and walked up to you again. You gestured to your fiery dragon and smiled at your friends.

(Y/N): Who wants to take a short flight?

Luca: Where to is the question?

(Y/N): Who cares? We'll be back by nightfall.

You smiled and jumped up onto Charizard's back. She grunted a little and looked down to your friends. You offered a hand up to them and a smile. Luca smirked and ran up to you and jumped up onto Charizard's back. Maggie slowly walked up and looked at your pokemon.

Maggie: It won't support my weight too.

(Y/N): Backup plan then.

You tossed out another poke ball. This time, it was Alakazam. He landed on the docks, and you nodded to him. He nodded back and used psychic on Maggie, Luca, and yourself. While the two were getting use to the flight, Alakazam jumped onto Charizard's back, and your old partner took off flying. Luca was laughing his butt off as you guys went flying straight up into the sky.

Along the brick pathways of Terracotta Town, Misty glanced up as she heard screaming. What she didn't expect was to see you and your friends flying in the sky using psychic of all things. She smiled a shook her head a little as she watched.

Misty: You idiot.

Misty continued her walk down the pathway as you were busy laughing with your friends. You turned back to see Luca flying around, getting the hang of things while Maggie was lying on her back reading a book. You rolled your eyes and smiled, laughing along the way. You turned and looked over to see your pokemon still. Charizard was flapping her wings to try to stay up in the air and maintain altitude. But she turned her head to look at you a little too. You moved over and hugged her, smiling widely a little.

(Y/N): Thanks girl, for never giving up on me. Except for that one time.

Charizard huffed a little, causing you to laugh. Charizard smiled a little at that one as she watched you spin-off of her. You smiled widely and closed your eyes, letting the breeze cover your view in the air.

You were finally happy. And that's all you really wanted in the end. 

Misty X Male Reader Death of a TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now