The Sudden Realization

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It was the final battle. You had met up at Viridian City, battled a few trainers, and went through some paths to really get your pokemon to maxed out strength. To say this was it would be an understatement. And well, you had already met up with Blue, and the battle was waging onward. Sadly, some of your team didn't have the proper type effectiveness you would have preferred, so it really became a battle of attrition. You wanted to save Alakazam for later use, but with Blue's own, that may have been difficult.

Nidoking would do wonders against Exeggutor, but that would be about it. You had already sacrificed Machamp to take down Pidgeot and start on Rhydon. Blue's Rhydon was alright, tough as is. Even with the direct slam from Seismic Tossed bolder and Mega Punch, it still wasn't enough to beat back the Horn Drill or, sadly, the Fury Attack that finally finished Machamp off with both pokemon fainting. That led into the inevitable Alakazam vs Alakazam. To say it was confusing would be an understatement.

Both pokemon would throw their psychic abilities around, slamming rocks into one another, reflecting attacks the works. It got down to the point where both pokemon took each other out once again. You gritted your teeth a little at that one, slowly losing it as Blue's Arcanine emerged. Luckily for you, you had your own Rhydon at the ready-to-fight. You kept constantly watching as Rhydon would charge in and land some serious blows against Arcanine while the fire fox would leap around and blast flames directly onto your new team member.

You would grit your teeth, all thinking back to the past few days with everyone who you have talked to. Everyone who has challenged you. All the anger built up inside of you. As Arcanine released a massive blow of Ember onto Rhydon, something in your head just clicked.

(Y/N): Come on! Fight back! Get in close!

Rhydon roared a little and finally began to charge forward. Arcanine released a large blast of Ember but was stopped as Rhydon finally reached the fox and slammed a massive blow of tail whip directly onto the Pokemon's back. The force was strong enough to send Arcanine down and bounce back up and allow a Takedown to end the fight between the two in seconds.

Once Arcanine was on the ground, Rhydon roared out. You released a deep sigh as it was now down to a 4V2, with you still having the advantage. Especially with your Nidoking there ready to take out the next pokemon Blue threw out.

Blue: Exeggutor, get to work!

The Exeggutor popped out. You cracked your neck a little and returned your Rhydon for later. As you were getting Nidoking's poke ball ready, Blue chuckled a little. You snapped your head up and glare at him, looking him dead in the face.

Blue: I have to say, out of all the stories I've heard and all the things I've seen, you really live up to them all.

(Y/N): Excuse me?

Blue: People talk, kid. All that hyper-aggressive nature, that ability to snap on a whim. I'm impressed as I am nervous.

(Y/N): As you should be!

Blue: wonder it all fell apart then.

You gritted your teeth at that comment. You already knew EXACTLY what he was saying. You tossed out Nidoking. He roared out as he made his stance.

(Y/N): No mercy! Poison sting!

Nidoking roared out and charged down Exeggutor, storming straight toward the pokemon.

Blue: Barrage!

Exeggutor leapt back and attacked, slamming Nidoking with several attacks just before Poison sting landed the blow directly onto the foe.

(Y/N): Hyperbeam! Close range!

Nidoking roared and took another barrage hit from Exeggutor However, fighting through the pain, Nidoking grabbed hold of Exeggutor and released a massive blast of hyper beam directly onto the rival pokemon. The explosion caused enough force to blast both pokemon back across the arena. Exeggutor slowly got up, but at this point, you looked down at Nidoking.

Misty X Male Reader Death of a TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now