Cafe Conversations

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You and Koga walked down the street to the cafe just down the street from the gym. He ushered you inside the shop and got yourselves some food. For you, a nice, crisp grilled cheese with a side of fries and a large soda. For Koga, a mixed salad with herbs and berries. Just something simple and sweet. He walked you over to a corner table by the window to sit on down as your food was being prepared. You looked across at your old mentor as he sat still, observing your movements and seeing what you would or would not do.

(Y/N): Well, first of all, I should be paying for all of this. You let me into the Safari Zone, after all.

Koga: Indeed. But I did not bring you here to catch up on old times.

(Y/N): Alright, what's the life lesson this time?

Koga: I beg your pardon.

(Y/N): Excuse me? Beg your pardon, my ass. You always pull me aside, take me to a cafe, your home and sit me down to have a talk. And every single time, some self-reflection makes me feel like a terrible person for how I treated one person for six towns back. So, let's do us both a favor. Either skip that entire part of the talk altogether and move onto something else that will actually be productive, or go ahead and get right to the point of the lecture so I can go ahead and get down to Cinnabar.

Koga looked over at you. You honestly couldn't tell if he was annoyed, impressed, or unmoved. He sighed a little and rubbed his temples slightly, looking down at his tea. He took a deep breath, removed his cloth over his mouth, and looked into your eyes.

Koga: (Y/N), this...I'm trying not to lose both faith or hope in you.

(Y/N): Excuse me?

Koga: You continue to spiral down a dark path. One solely goal driven. Short-sighted. Aggressive and concerning. I am...I am deeply fearful of the ideas you are personally chasing and the good, or lack thereof; it can do for you and your pokemon.

(Y/N): Is this about Misty? Look, I don't care what she has to do or say, all I know is-

Koga: This is about you. This is about nearly burning down half of the Safari Zone. This is about how you are sacrificing everything for a simple piece of metal.

(Y/N): Look you don't like it, then get over it.

Koga: I'm asking if you like it or not.

(Y/N): Pardon?

Koga: (Y/N), in my experience. It seems to me that whenever someone lashes out this poorly at anyone or thing, it is due to a deep inclination or discomfort.

(Y/N): Don't psychoanalyze me.

Koga: I'm not. What I am doing, though, is questioning your motives. Why are you doing this? What do you get out of it?

(Y/N): Championship.

Koga: A position like that is not meant for a teenager. Ellsworth stepped down for a reason.

(Y/N): Ellsworth? Warren Ellsworth?! He was the champion?

Koga: He stepped down for a reason. He wasn't ready. And neither are you.

(Y/N): Watch me.

Koga: I am being serious.

(Y/N): So am I! Have a little faith in me, will you? I've swept through the gym battles. I have crushed trainers. I have gotten some of the most powerful pokemon on this side of Kanto! Why are you being so degrading and-

Koga: Because you have degraded everyone in your entire life. And for what? Champion is not at all a joy. It is a pain. A job. A struggle no 15-year-old boy should ever bother to have. Why do you think Red retired after two years? Why do you think Blue is living his best life as a gym leader? Why do you think Warren lives up in the mountains, training people on how to live and thrive with their pokemon? Because being Champion isn't everything. So, let me ask you this question again, why do you want to become Champion of Kanto?

You sighed and rubbed your face a little, looking back up at him.

(Y/N): To prove I am the best.

Koga: At what? Battling? Pushing others aside? Having a constant negative attitude? Or perhaps a better question is, why are you trying to prove you are the best? Some deep seeded issues? Whom are you trying to impress?

(Y/N): Dont interrogate me!

Koga: These are perfectly logical questions. Perhaps if you went ahead and thought through everything before enacting on your woes and strife, then perhaps things would have been a little more positive for yourself and everyone around you.

You gripped your fist underneath the table. Your eyes gained a cold glare as you looked forward at your mentor's face. Koga simply drank his tea as you both locked eyes with one another. You didn't even notice the waitress walking up and asking about your food. Koga pointed to you when she asked about the grilled cheese. You only moved as you saw the food cross your field of vision to let her set the item down.

Waitress: Anything else for you, gentlemen?

Koga: No, ma'am. Thank you for your services.

The waitress nodded and walked off. Koga turned his view back to you and sighed when he saw the glare.

(Y/N): I'm tired of doing self-examination.

Koga: Then consider this your last one. And consider this your final lesson and chance to see me in a positive point of view.

(Y/N): What? Are you saying you're-

Koga: If you continue down this path of self-destruction, anger, and aggression, then I have no choice but to protect myself and my daughter to cut you out completely. If you return to this city, you will be an alien to us. However, with a simple note of self-reflection, perhaps you can see where your path should be taking you instead.

(Y/N): Enough with the cryptic bull-

Koga looked you in the eye sternly, glaring at you with pain and anger. You sighed and stopped talking, looking down to your hot sandwich. You sighed a little, reached down, and began eating your food. You still had this great deal of hatred and anger deep inside of you. You wanted to keep the screaming match up and fight him, but he clearly wasn't having it.

You reached down and began to eat your food, taking in slow, long bites as you looked at Koga in the eyes. Still, that didn't mean his words didn't linger within your brain. You hated them. Why would YOU need to question everything in existence? Look at Koga himself. Bastard gunned it for an Elite Four spot right after you came through as the gym challenger. If any chance, he's more power-hungry than you really are!

And having his daughter take up the mantle? A little hypocritical for the man who apparently knows so much. And let's not even touch on Janine's own motivations, or perhaps lack thereof. So who was he to lecture the likes of you?

You continued to eat your sandwich slowly. Something Koga took notice of. He stopped with his own salad and watched you for a few moments until you finally noticed and snapped up at him.

(Y/N): What am I doing wrong now?

Koga: Nothing. You are just chewing slower than usual.

(Y/N): Well, maybe I'm just thinking.

Koga: Good. I'm glad you are using this time to reflect.

(Y/N): I never said it was about you or your words.

You began to pick up the pace of your eating, clearly wanting to finish. Koga sighed as he continued his food at his own pace. You finished around 2 minutes later and stood up from your seat. You looked down at your mentor and glared a little.

(Y/N): I know what I'm doing. Don't you EVER think otherwise? And don't be the one to question me on it.

Koga: It is this attitude that is causing the rift in the first place. (Y/N), I don't want you out of my life. Nor does anyone. But this...this...toxicity needs to die here and now.

You sighed and started to walk away from the table. You placed your hat back on your head and waved slightly to the staff as they wished you a good day. Once outside, you stretched a little and moved on down the road toward the way out of town. You didn't have time for his bull anymore. You were on a mission. To become Champion no matter the cost. To prove to the world that you weren't some waste of space loser who could actually do shit!

You gritted your teeth again as you walked out. Nothing was going to stop you. Not now, not ever. No matter what!

Misty X Male Reader Death of a TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now