Your Mighty Water-Type Pokémon

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Your taxi service was able to get you to Vermillion City in a little over 2 hours, something you were more than happy with. It may have been a bit of a drive, and the fare definitely wasn't cheap, but hey, at least it didn't take you guys three whole days to get there. You and Misty began to walk down the elegant road of the city, seeing its busy population as you both made your way to the long shoreline of the city. Misty was the first to break the stride as she ran up to the coast and breathed in the ocean air.

She did a little twirl and turned back to you and gave you a smile. You walked up to her and rolled your eyes.

(Y/N): So, see anything yet?

Misty: Don't be so dramatic. You can't just think about the battles.

(Y/N): Says the girl who said I shouldn't capture the Haunter.

Misty: That is because that Pokemon stalked us!

(Y/N): Whatever!

You slowly moved down the hill and towards the jetty. You weren't going to go walking on it, but you did move along the massive line of rock towards the actual shoreline. Opposite you, Misty was walking on the rocks, mostly going out to the deeper sections of the water. You climbed up onto the jetty and moved along with her. She stopped about halfway through and turned back to you.

(Y/N): Gameplan?

Misty: Start looking.

(Y/N): Excuse me?

Misty: The best way to get a water-type Pokemon is to look around. You're in the good old sea. If you can't find it, then bug off.

(Y/N): I can't tell if that was a suggestion to grab a bug-type Pokemon or that was meant to be rude and insulting?

Misty: Little bit of both.

Misty then began to walk away as you looked back to the waters below. You sighed and began to move around the rock formation. You could spot a few water types but they quickly vanished into the deep blue sea before you could get a proper hit on them. You sighed a little as you continued to try and find something useful. After a few hours went by, Misty finally returned to the jetty and saw you sitting along the very top of the rocks.

She hopped up and walked on down to join you. She sat down beside you and offered up a smile at you. However, she quickly broke it once she saw that you were using a fishing pole to catch your pokemon. She raised a hand to question what you were doing but you raised your hand faster.

(Y/N): Don't. Just don't ask.

Misty: Why the fishing pole?

(Y/N): Misty, what did I just say?

Misty: You think I'm really going to respect your wishes?

(Y/N): You respected them before. I would assume you to carry on that tradition.

Misty looked at you somewhat annoyed. She then rolled her eyes and looked back out at the sea. After a few more moments, she got up again and sighed.

Misty: I'm bored.

(Y/N): Not my problem.

Misty: Don't be like that! I came on this journey voluntarily!

(Y/N): Yeah, well, you also gave up being a gym leader. And I still don't fully understand why that is the case at all!

Misty: Why do you keep harping on about that?

(Y/N): I don't know! Why do you keep saying you came here by your own choice?

Misty looked at you and glared a little. She then began to stomp away, leaving you by yourself for a little bit again. You sighed and went back to catching some water types. After a few more minutes, you finally felt a tug. You smirked and jumped up, tugging more and more. Finally, with you hefty pull, you were able to pull whatever Pokemon was down there up with you. As it flew up into the sky, you saw it. And the look of disappointment on your face afterward was totally priceless. Your jaw nearly hit the ground until the Pokemon slapped you in the face.

Misty was inside the Pokemon center of Vermillion City, having a nice Caesar Salad dinner while her Staryu and Psyduck ate beside her, each with a bowl of Pokemon food. As she took a bite of tomato, you suddenly appeared and slammed your hands down onto the table she was sitting at her.

(Y/N): I finally got something!

Misty looked up at you and slowly began to chew her food again. You never dropped your smile as you rolled the poke ball along the table. She looked down at it before swallowing her food and looking back up at you.

Misty: That is in fact a Pokeball.

(Y/N): Oh come on! Be a little bit happy for me.

Misty: I would assume a Poliwag.

(Y/N): Not quite but close.

Misty: Squirtle then.

(Y/N): Nope.

Misty: Goldeen.

(Y/N): Nope.

Misty: You didn't capture anything higher than that, did you?

(Y/N): You don't know that.

Misty: That's why I'm asking.

You blinked a few times.

Misty: Are you making me guess for a reason or are you going to show it off in the battle against Surge? Personally, I would assume the latter.

(Y/N): Maybe.

Misty: Then shut up and eat your dinner. The menu is up on the board over there.

Misty gestured to it and continued eating. You slowly grew a scowl before you grabbed your poke ball and walked back over to the counter. You talked to the local Nurse Joy a little before you got yourself a fresh meal. Behind you, Misty watched a little bit before she turned her head over to see Surge take down another trainer.

Misty: (Thinking) Surge has only gotten stronger since Red blew through here. I hope whatever Pokemon (Y/N) caught will be enough. Fighting-types won't do much against those Raichu, especially now since Surge has two of them.

Misty was shocked out of her worries once you walked back and placed a small tray with a sandwich on it across from her. She looked at you as you began to eat some of your food. However, she noticed you were pretty slow with the food intake. You must have caught her staring at you as you were quick to perk up to meet her eye to eye.

(Y/N): Something wrong?

Misty: Hm? Oh, no. Nothing is. Why?

(Y/N): You look like you just saw me kill someone.

Misty: It's just...I've never seen you eat so little before.

(Y/N): The team and I had a bite to eat before I came here.

Misty: What? Where?

You took a bite out of your sandwich and swallowed it a little.

(Y/N): Secret.

Misty: Don't give me that! Where was it?!

(Y/N): I'll show you after my battle of Surge. Don't worry about it. Tell you what, I win, I pay. How about that?

Misty: So, are you going to purposefully lose then?

(Y/N): Nope. I'm going all out. I know-

Misty: What you're doing, I get it. Whatever.

She stood up and took out her poke balls, taking Psyduck and Staryu with her.

Misty: I'm getting some sleep. Like you should too.

(Y/N): I know. And thanks. For the motivation I guess.

Misty looked at you, a slight blush coming onto her face. She shook her head and smiled at you.

Misty: Sure thing. Good night.

(Y/N): Night.

Misty walked off. When she rounded a corner, she pushed herself up against a wall and covered her mouth slightly. She took a deep breath and began to walk away.

Misty: (Thinking) Focus Misty. You are here to be a supportive friend and nothing more.

Misty walked down the hall, repeating the thought in her head.

Misty X Male Reader Death of a TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now