Celadon City

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Despite everything that happened with Misty the day prior, you still had to push onwards towards Celadon City. Did you regret what happened? A little bit, yes. But she pushed your buttons a lot. I mean, why did a little anger bother her so much? You won. He was taunting you to no end. You gave him what he deserved. End of story. Why would that upset her? She had seen her fair share of trainers flip out beforehand. Whatever, it wasn't your place to judge her.

You had entered the forest city and smiled, looking around a little bit. As you walked down the road of the small city, you could see a large department store nearby. You knew damn well that if Misty was here, she would have dragged your butt all the way here just for a brief shopping venture. Then again, you would have done the same thing with her and the game corner.

You shook your head and got those thoughts out of your head. It wasn't the time or place. You had to find the gym. As you were looking around, you felt a presence behind you. When you turned back, you saw a black-haired girl looking at you.

Girl: You seemed lost. Can I help you?

(Y/N): I'm looking for the gym here.

Girl: You seem more emotionally and mentally lost.

(Y/N): What is with every person I run into telling me this.

Girl: It is rather obvious. You even appear overly stressed out.

(Y/N): Thanks...I think....

Girl: Come along.

(Y/N): I just want the gym.

Girl: And you will get it when we finish.

The girl continued to walk onwards. You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose. Slowly you began to follow behind the girl to parts unknown within the city.

Inside her own room, Misty was sitting at her desk going over some papers. As she looks things over to officially turn over the gym to her sister. As she was going over everything, Misty couldn't help but shake a feeling of sadness from her brain. She felt something butting weight down on her leg and peered down below her. As she did, she saw Psyduck pushing her leg a little bit.

Misty smiled and reached down to pet the Pokemon. However, Psyduck grabbed her hand and kept it in place. Misty groaned a little and pulled her arm began despite the Pokemon's firm grip on her.

Misty: Psyduck! Let me go!

Psyduck cried out a little but Misty was able to get her hand freed from the little one. She went back to the papers but Psyduck began to poke her leg again. Misty groaned some more before looking down at pokemon.

Misty: What is it?!

The Pokemon wailed a little as Misty sighed. Psyduck used psychic and carried over a picture of Misty from a few years ago with you and a few others. Misty looked at it slightly before shaking her head and looking back at Psyduck.

Misty: He got what he deserved. If he couldn't see that his anger got to him, then let him dig his own grave.

Psyduck sunk a little as the Pokemon walked off and sat down on the bed there. Psyduck cried out again and Misty sighed before turning around.

Misty: We couldn't even go after him. He's probably already on his way to Cinnabar Island by now. It will be beyond tough to locate him. So, what would you do?

Psyduck tilted his head and cried out again. Misty sighed before she turned back around and continued to go through the work already present on her plate. Psyduck sighed again and looked out the window towards the rising sun.

Meanwhile, you were sitting in front of a small cafe with this girl in a kimono as she slowly drank some tea in front of her. You had your arms crossed and visibly was not interested in what she had to say or do. However, this girl seemed to have kept you on an iron leash as you just didn't leave to find the gym on your own.

She softly placed the teacup down on the table as she looked back up to you. You rolled your eyes and she must have seen your distaste for what was happening in the current moment. She gave you a smile and you turned away from her and looked around the city.

(Y/N): Where is the gym?

Girl: We will get there shortly.

(Y/N): You said that 20 minutes ago when we first got here. I don't even know why I'm still here.

Girl: Your anger and lust for victory will drive you away. If it will not be here, it will be elsewhere. You should slow down a little and try to take things in.

(Y/N): I did that and then people started to not trust me at all.

Girl: And why is that?

(Y/N): I don't even know! I caught a Haunter! Big deal! It's not like it was going to kill us at all!

Girl: It seems to have more weight on your shoulders than you originally thought.

You looked at the girl and sighed a little. You didn't know what to tell this girl. However, she smiled at you and pushed a fresh cup of tea out towards your direction.

(Y/N): I'm good.

Girl: If I may say, I would suggest going to see Koga in Fuchsia City. He is an expert with meditation and calming ideals.

(Y/N): That's not really going to help me on my journey.

Girl: But it could. A Pokemon journey is not just about battling and winning badges. If that was the case, then it would all be child's play. However, by centering yourself and centering your Pokemon's needs and cares will you be able to grow. It may be hard work, but I am confident that with enough time, anyone can do so and be a much better trainer for it.

You saw the girl stand up and she smiled at you. She then began to walk away and you reached out to her.

(Y/N): But, my gym battle!

Girl: As of now, my gym is closed to you. Center yourself young one and perhaps you can come back when you are ready.

You were a bit taken aback but did not stop the apparent gym leader from walking away. You turned back around in your seat and sat there in silence for a few moments. You then sighed and threw out your Charmeleon and saw her stand up in the chair occupied by the girl.

(Y/N): Well, girl, what do you think I should do?

Charmeleon roared her name a little before gesturing down the road towards Route 16. You looked down that stretch of road as well before looking back to your partner. You sighed and stood up and took out Charmeleon's Pokeball. However, you stopped yourself and placed it back on your hip. You reached out your hand to your partner.

(Y/N): Come on girl.

Charmeleon climbed up onto your arm and began to sit herself down on your shoulder. You dispersed some Pokemon food from a container on your hip and gave it to your partner. As you walked down the road, you placed your hands in your pockets and continued onward.

(Y/N): I trust your judgment. If you think this is what we need, then let's do it.

Charmeleon roared out a little as you both continued down the pathway towards Route 16. From the gym, the little leader watched as you walked away. She had a smile on her face and stepped back into the gym just before her phone buzzed. She looked down at it and smiled a bit, getting a text from an old friend and old fellow gym leader.

Misty X Male Reader Death of a TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now