Rip and Tear

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Saffron City's gym leader was a pain in the ass, but you power through it. And because of it, down fell Alakazam, crashing down onto the ground as Charizard landed before it. She roared as you absorbed her back into her poke ball. You glared a little towards Sabrina as she walked up to her unconscious pokemon and softly petted it. She absorbed it back and looked up towards you as you walked up to her. Sabrina smiled and arose, meeting you halfway in the middle of the arena.

Sabrina: Excellent work, young trainer. I must say your more aggressive battle tactics are impressive, if not a little alarming.

(Y/N): I'm aware.

Sabrina: I would advise trying to find a more strategic sense rather than brute force next time.

Sabrina took out a case and presented you with the badge. She smiled warmly at you as you grabbed it and slipped it into your badge case. You looked Sabrina in the eye and nodded at her, giving her a two-finger salute. She raised an eyebrow towards you as you walked out, pushing past a few other trainers and staff in order to leave the building and never look back.

It was true since arriving in Saffron City a few days ago. Since Misty left you. You gripped your fist at the thought of her and pushed onward. You didn't have time to sit around and think about the past, on how you messed up with that girl. You didn't have time to think about it, and frankly, you didn't have time to care. Right now, your entire goal was to nab the last two badges and move on with your life.

You stepped outside the gym and sighed a little, shielding your eyes from the sun. You stepped out and about from Saffron City, dodging a few citizens here and there, making sure you could do your best to make it down the street towards the pokemon center. You yawned as you stepped inside and up to the nurse working at the front desk. She smiled warmly up at you, and you nodded towards her.

Nurse: What can we do for you today, sir?

(Y/N): My pokemon could use a healing. Think you could work your magic, doc?

Nurse: Certainly. But I am just a nurse.

(Y/N): Well, thanks anyway.

You handed her the tray of five poke balls and passed them on through. You didn't even bother to say anything to your pokemon, not like they could even hear you. You sat down in the waiting area and pulled out your Pokedex. Your next stop would be Cinnabar Island and against Blaine, the fire-type specialist. You needed reinforcements and fast. Sure, you had 5 pokemon, but that didn't mean you couldn't just capture a few more and swap around. It would have been the best possible plan for you, given the point in time. All that mattered now was finding the right pokemon.

Luckily, you were still close to Koga and Fuchsia City, that a quick trip to the Safari Zone would help out a lot. Getting a mighty fine rock or ground type was always an option there. Plus, it would be a fine time to maybe nab some normal type. Hey, anything to help out in dealing with some serious blows to the enemy.

You were in the middle of your research, not giving up on the care of the world. You glanced out the center's window and saw the burning sun not too far from your home. A faint smile crossed your face. You didn't need Misty. You didn't need her constant annoyance. You knew what you needed, and that was to push for the victory over the entire league. And damnit you were going to do it!

A few hours had passed, and finally, Nurse Joy had returned your pokemon. You nodded toward her, took your team, and set off. There was very little to do in the city itself. While not technically true, for your own goals, you just wanted out and fast. Granted, you did return to your hotel room first to go ahead and kick back a little. You yawned a little, walked into the hotel, and waved a little to the front desk lady.

While you would typically strike up a conversation, now was not the time for that. Now was the time for action, relaxation, planning, and training. You got back up to your room and plopped down onto the bed. You took out Charizard's poke ball and tossed it open quickly. She emerged and roared out a little, causing you to raise a finger up to your lips, telling your partner to keep quiet while inside the building.

(Y/N): Come on, girl. Keep quiet, will ya?

Charizard grunted a little and moved her head down so she could easily fit into the room. She groaned and growled a little, causing you to sigh.

(Y/N): I know you like being out there more than in here. But at least in here, we have something we couldn't out there. Internet connections.

You smile and pull out a laptop, hooking up to the TV inside the room. You whistled a little as you pulled up some files on Cinnabar Island and on Blaine to try to do some research on the gym leader. Looking into the gym leader, he used straight fire types, each commonly with normal and fire-type attacks. You also slipped out a pad of paper and a pen from your bag and started listing off different moves and pokemon.

(Y/N): So far, nothing out of the ordinary. Easy to counteract.

You smirked a little, excited that you had such a clear and easy enough target to take out. You pumped your fists a little, slapped your legs like a drum set, and laughed.

(Y/N): Nothing we haven't stopped before. Easy enough for us. We got this one, girl!

You laughed and patted Charizard on the back. She perked her head up and glanced at you as if you were an idiot. She roared a little more before laying her head down on the ground. You sighed and laughed a little, falling down onto the bed and looking up at the ceiling. You cracked your neck a little and smiled a little more.

(Y/N): Well, girl, our next stop is the Safari Zone. Who knows, we may end up seeing Koga and Janine. If we are lucky enough, of course.

You smiled as the rest of your team popped from their balls and cheered. You laughed as your team smiled a little and looked over at you. You chuckled a little more as Nidorino jumped up on your chest. You laughed and pet your pokemon some more. However, you stopped once you saw Charizard was just laying there, looking both a mixture of depressed and annoyed. You sat up and looked over at her and raised an eyebrow.

(Y/N): Charizard? Oh, come on girl, what's wrong?

Charizard hissed a little and looked away from you, laying her head down on the ground, facing the wall.

(Y/N): Oh, come on, is this about Misty?

Charizard grunted. You already knew the answer. You groaned a little and softly set Nidorino down on the bed before walking over to your partner. You squat down before her and softly petted her a little.

(Y/N): Hey...hey, come on.

Charizard tilted her head up a little and looked at you. You gave her a little half smile before she tilted and turned away from you. You scoffed a little and stood up and looked down at her.

(Y/N): We don't need her. And she doesn't want us.

Charizard growled a little and you rolled your eyes.

(Y/N): Whatever you baby. She wanted to be here, she would. End of story.

You jumped back down on your bed and looked up to the ceiling. You sighed a little and burped too, laughing to yourself. You rubbed your hands down your face as you turned your head over and looked out your hotel room window. Slowly, you felt your eyes come down on top of you, forcing you to sleep after a long day's battle, rest and relaxation.

(Y/N): (Yawning) Get some rest, guys. We got a long day ahead of us.

Your team cried out, jumped off the bed, and let to rest up. You pulled yourself up on the bed and crashed down onto a pillow. Finally, tiredness overtook you, and soon enough, you were drifting off, fast asleep in the bed. Still, one thought did remain that has forever stayed inside your mind until it eventually shut off that night: What happened to Misty, and where was she? Why did you care? Why would she care? What is going on inside your stupid brain...?

And why does it hurt to think about her right now?

Misty X Male Reader Death of a TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now