Should We Leave

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A cry was heard as a massive light flash appeared behind you. Quickly, you and Misty turned back. You saw Machop back away as Nidoran's form shifted and grew. It wasn't by much, but the form was clear. Nidoran had just evolved into Nidorino.

Once free of the evolution glow, your newest pokemon roared out and looked over to you. You blinked a little, glancing over to Misty as she too was in some awe of the evolution. You turned back to Nidorino as you saw him smile a little at you. You still held the same shocked expression, however.

(Y/N): Well...that's new.

You walked over to Nidorino, looking him up and down as you were taken aback by the fact that he evolved through no logical means. Granted, you were training with him but...there wasn't much emotional connection there. At least nothing you were pushing for. You walked over to him and knelt down in front of your pokemon.

You gave a softly smiled and pet him. He pushed up a little and planted some licks on your face. You laughed a little. It didn't really matter if your pokemon evolved through loving means or through level-ups, who cared. This was your pokemon and now he was up there with your mightiest. Machop walked over to you and you gave him a fist bump.

(Y/N): Nice work you two. Get some rest. You guys earned it.

You absorbed them both into their poke balls, smiling the whole time, proud of your team. You stood up and looked at each, shaking a little. It wasn't anything malice, it was just you thinking about what would come next. And then your thoughts went back to the claims you made earlier, just before the battle.

You turned back to Misty and looked over at her. She had a smile on her face as she walked back over to you.

Misty: Well would you look at that. You should be proud of that.

(Y/N): I am. No one is going to deny that.

Misty: Want to keep training?

(Y/N): I want to leave.

Misty: ...what?

(Y/N): There is nothing more for me here. Nidoran has evolved. I'm going to get started on research moves and planning out strategies. See what I can do. There are still 3 gym badges I have left to get. And I need to get them fast.

Misty: There is no real rush.

(Y/N): Not to you there isn't. To me, it is still my goal.

Misty: And what about me? What about us?

You sighed a little. You didn't know what to say there. You rubbed the back of your neck and took a step back from her. You had no idea what to do here. You glanced back to her and sighed again.

Misty: Is that all you are going to do? Sigh to me?

(Y/N): No.

Misty: So then what are you going to do?

(Y/N): I don't know. I want to leave here and actually do what I intended to do months ago.

Misty: And without me then?

(Y/N): No!

Misty: Then where do I fall into this?

(Y/N): I don't know! I didn't count on you coming with me at all. You know this! I screamed this at you. And yet here you are. Now then, are we going to sit here and complain about it? Personally, I don't want to because I like the fact you are here. Hell, we wouldn't even be together if it wasn't for you coming along.

Misty: So, again, what do we do now?

(Y/N): I don't know! I want you to come along. But if you are so insistent on staying here then-

Misty: I just thought you wanted to get type strategies.

(Y/N): I did. But if you are going to yell at me for wanting to go, then that's on you! You said he would teach me strategies and he has yet to do that outside of one day. So...yeah. I want an out to go on and battle someone else.

Misty: Isn't that a little childish in your mind?

(Y/N): You just love to flip-flop, don't you?

Misty glared at you a little bit before stepping away from you. She looked you in the eyes and sighed a little before turning around away from you.

Misty: If that's how you feel, then fine! Be that way.

(Y/N): Ok.

Misty's eyes widen. She was shocked. Were you really willing to let go of this relationship that fast over a small argument? She didn't see your face as you walked away from her and back towards the house. Misty reached out slightly, trying to see if she could get your attention. That didn't matter. You were already halfway back inside the house. Anger was on your face as you nearly slammed the door shut.

You didn't really want a single argument to destroy your relationship, but it was getting to the point of total annoyance. She essentially lied to you. There was no grad strategist here who would share his secrets. Just a lone ranger on a ranch thinking he was all that. you...

A lone ranger, pushing people out and only focusing on the next battle. That...that did hit you alright. You stood there on the steps up to the second floor, head down, thinking about the choices before you. It seemed your training with Kuga wasn't over yet. This..this place wasn't meant to prove your Pokemon's capabilities. But yours...

You turned back on the stairs and looked down. You could still hear Warren in the kitchen making dinner with the TV in the background. Alone. Alone yet contempt. Your eyes shifted around as you just had to think about where to go from here.

You sighed and rubbed your eyes a little. You knew you messed up big time. You breathed in a large breath before walking back up the stairs. You walked into your room and began to pack up your bag until you felt a poke ball open. You looked back and saw your partner standing on the ground.

(Y/N): Well?

Charmeleon pointed to the window.

(Y/N): What is it?

Charmeleon rolled her eyes and grabbed your shoulder. She began to pull you towards the window. She jumped up onto a bed and pointed out towards the backyard. You looked and saw Misty still standing out there with Warren slowly walking out. You rubbed your face and turned to her. She looked back.

(Y/N): What? It's not my fault she lied.

Charmeleon pushed your arm a little. You sighed and turned around, sitting down on a bench within the room. You covered your face and looked back at your partner. You saw her gesture to the window again.

(Y/N): Well, what would you suggest? We just leave and get things moving onto the next battle? I have the gist of what we need to do. So there isn't much we can learn from a rock-type specialist. Or we stay here and not learn much of anything. Even if Nidoran evolved, that isn't enough to justify staying here.

You sighed a little and turned back around and go back down onto the ground.

(Y/N): We need to go. We...(sighs)

You curled up to yourself, letting yourself cry a little. Charmeleon patted on your leg, trying to get your attention and quickly. You blinked a little as you whipped your eyes. You looked over to Charmeleon, seeing her trying to get you refocused. You shook your head a little and moved it back. You sighed and just stayed silent. You let the thoughts run through your head about life.

You picked yourself up and turned back to the window. You saw Warren and Misty walking inside the ranch house. You rubbed the back of your neck and pinched the bridge of your nose. You grabbed Charmeleon's poke ball and absorbed her back into the ball. You had to gather up some amount of time. You had to make a decision. And frankly, you already did.

You gathered up your things and started to pack up. You were done with this mess. You weren't Warren. But you were nothing going to submit to Misty's stupid lies. You knew what you wanted. And now it was time to grab it. No matter the cause. 

Misty X Male Reader Death of a TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now