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You all thought it was the end, huh?

I was supposed to end this book a few months back.

Boy, how time changes 

Well! I hope no one sees this-

Just kidding! Go ahead and read on- I dare you all 

In a dark-lit room, was Prof. Night. He was waiting for someone.

A girl walked into the room, a girl some are quite familiar with.

"So, can I like- get out of here now?" Prof. Night asked.

The girl smiled and gave a chuckle.

"No you cannot. I am quite sorry for you-" she began, as she lifted something from behind her back.

"Wait! I can still be useful!" Prof. Night asked, pleading with the girl.

The girl, instead of chuckling, started laughing insanely.

"Sure you can! But~ There is no point in you existing anymore! Your purpose has been fulfilled!" She said. The girl held a wand in her hand, pointing it at the now terrified professor.

"Goodbye, my creation." The girl said, and in a second, the room was filled with Prof. Night's screams.

"I cannot tell you what happened to Prof. Night." Lilian said over the phone. 

"Why not?" Phoenix asked, eager to find out what was Prof. Night's punishment for his wrong doings.

"It's pretty complicated- so yah! I have to go Phoenix! Bai!" Lilian said, ending the call.

Phoenix held the phone in his hands...

Was there something they all missed?

The girl smiled. Prof. Night was released from existence. 

Another girl entered the room, holding a baby Sloth. "You could have let the dude live." she said. "He was not needed any longer, Ontier." the girl with the wand said, smiling. Ontier sighed. "Suit yourself Qui." Ontier said smiling.

Mysteries beyond the Shining NightWhere stories live. Discover now