Chapter 5 - Greetings Pt. 2

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Kaitou Joker and Phoenix were staring blankly at the three girls. So phantom thieves are like a common job or something? That is strange. Joker said to himself.

(For explanationss... in the dimention Joker and Phoenix entered is not an alternate universe. Its simply a different universe with different people in it. Kaitou Aura, Chibi, Twilight and a special someone which will appear later on in this chapter are famous kaitous and commited the rest of their life helping young beginners who want to be kaitous. Apparently Aura and Chibi are princesses from their own place but in the future traveled to this land and met Twilight and the secret someone. They became friends and decided to form a group of girl kaitous that would be stealing the best of the best treasures they can find on the planet they are in. Once they are certain that they have stolen everything they would move on to another planet. Apparently the next planet they would be visiting is earth so yall have an idea on how Phoenix and Joker would move out of this mystery planet. Hahaha. Anywayss onto the chapter!)

Phoenix glared at the three girls. "Aren't the police going to chase you all because your phantom thieves?" The bird boy asked. "Umm. You both are really new huh. Well you see in here Phantom Thieves are like normal jobs so yah. Where are you both from anyways?" Aura said. Chibi nodded happily. "Yup! Where are you from??" She asked as she walked near them. Joker tilted his head. "Earth?" He said.
"Oh! We were going there next!" Kaitou Luna said as she entered the room as she held a large box. "Luna! Your just in time!" Chibi said smiling. Aura took the box from her friends hands. "I got it from the trade shop. Its a bronze necklace. Apparently it was from the late 500 centuries." Luna said happily. Jokers eyes lit up. Phoenix knew this particular mode of Joker very amusing. Joker looked through his pockets and had one advance notice with him besides his stack of cards, 2 sticks of image gum and 3 pieces of baloon gum. Joker scribbled some writings and handed it over to the girl named Luna. Luna however took the card and read it aloud to her group of friends. "Today I will be stealing that 500 century bronze necklace. Kaitou Joker." Luna read. Suddenly Joker swiftly took the necklace and dragged Phoenix out of the shop. "Um. See you girls soon! Make sure to find us when you will be going to Earth! We need to go home too!" Phoenix said. Joker gave his signature annoying smile. "Once again the Miracle Maker Kaitou Joker stole this necklace once again! Welcome to the Shining Night!" Joker said smiling as the girls lost sight of them in the middle of the town. Kaitou Chibi sighed. "We lost them!" She said. Twilight and Aura smiled while Luna giggled. "Whats so funny?" Chibi asked. "That this Joker is who we are looking for to fix our ship." Aura said. "But we lost them!" Chibi exclaimed.
Luna revealed her cellphone showing a red dot in a map. Twilight flipped her hair. "We placed a tracker on that necklace." She said. Luna stared at her phone. "Don't worry. We can still find them and offer a deal anyways. They do need to go to Earth for that is their home." Luna said. Chibi twirled around. "Our jet would be fixed and were up and running again! The Girl Squad is back!" She said with full energy. Aura didn't look happy for that time being. "Whats in your mind Aura?" Twilight asked. "Well I was wondering who that other boy was." She said. Luna tilted her head. "Maybe thats his boyfriend?" She suggested. "Wow the Joker who will fix our ship has a boyfriend? Cool!" Chibi said. "Lets get a move on. The more we wait the longer we stay here and not really getting to earth." Aura said. They strolled to their shop as they suited up and to get ready for the rest of the important situation in their entire life. Going to Earth.

I do not own Kaitou Luna or Gabriel. She rightfully belongs to KitsuneShinobou. If you want your own OC. To be in this story dont be afraid to comment it down below. Author out!

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