Chapter 22

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Phoenix saw his beloved Joker on the cold floor. He took his body and tried to do his signature healing thingy. I certainly dont know what thats called. He tried so many times but it didnt work.

Joker. Joker. Please. Wake up. Im sorry. Whats wrong with my ability? I was able to heal Hacchi. Why not Joker? Joker please I love you please please please..

"Phoenix!" I can even hear him calling my name...

"Yawning Jerk!" I know that. Im your yawning jerk..

Joker shook Phoenix awake. "Wwhat happened? I thought you died?!" Phoenix said. Joker gave a confussed look. "Huh? Yawning Jerk are you okay? You know I cannot die you know?" He said. Phoenix was still confussed. "You just arrived from space and now You think Im dead?" He said. Phoenix sighed. It was just a dreamm... thank goodness.. or is it?

Lilian - Now the next chapter is all up to you dear readers. Comment down below what the next chapter should be about so I will pick only 1 for the 23rd chapter. I will give it 3 days before I choose it. So yah.. see you soon!

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