Chapter 25

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So yall think this book is done huh?

Joker was washing the dishes as their kids slept. The phone began to ring.

"I will answer it." Joker said. Phoenix nodded.

"Alright I will just clean up over here." He said.

Joker watlz over and picked up the phone. "Hello? If this is Spade shoo away..." he said.

"Rude much. If it werent for us you would be dead..." the person said. Joker gave a questionative look. "Umm who are you?" Joker asked. Thr caller sighed. "You know what? Get your husband.." the caller said.

Joker sighed. "Umm okay?" He said. He looked towards Phoenix. "Hey Love? Someone wants to talk to you?" Joker said. Phoenix whispered to Joker. "Who is it?" He asked. Joker gave a dunno look as Phoenix took the phone.

"Hey who is this?" Phoenix asked. "Finally! Joker was starting to get annoying.." the caller said. Phoenix gave a suprised look. "Lilian? How do you have my number? And how do you know Joker? Didnt we met like.. 10 years ago??" Phoenix asked. Lilian sighed over the phone. "Nearly forgot about that one.." she began.

"Look. Everything that happened in your dream was real Phoenix... Joker did nearly die but my twin Liam healed him just in time. You fainted however so you didnt witness the rest.." she said. Phoenix stared towards Joker, who was now cleaning the toys of their kids.

"Wait... but why do I only remember it?" He asked. Lilian spoke softly. "Look. All I can say is that... no one on Earth can know about Estaria... and in order to keep that, we had to erase their memory. The only thing they remember is when you got back to earth. And of course... we let you keep your memories.." she said. There was a thud on the background. "Your welcome!!" Liam said over the phone.

Phoenix gasped. "Ookay... can you let Joker at least remember it?" He asked. Lilian giggled over the phone. "Things you do for love. I will see what i can do."  She said. Phoenix smiled. "Thanks.. Wait... what happened to Prof. Night?" He asked.

Lilian giggled. "Now thats a story for another time.." she said

Part 2 anyone???

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