Chapter 6 - The Stars

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It was late at night when Joker had Phoenix set up a fire. The sky however was a nice shade of purple and the stars shone a nice red glow. Jokers stomach grumbled loudly aa Phoenix giggled. "Hey! Thats not funny!" Joker said with an embarrased look. Phoenix yawned. "Im going to sleep." He said. Joker wined. "But Im hungry!" He said as he took off his cape and his coat. Phoenix saw a closer look at what Joker was wearing underneat his everyday Joker attire. He wore a plain red shirt with a blue jumper underneat. Phoenix chuckled. "I didnt knew the Kaitou Joker has some sense of fasion." He said. Joker sighed. "Come on. This Miracle Maker has style as well. Unlike Spade. That horrible trickster! He should have told me it was dipping sauce!" Joker yellep in anger. Phoenix glared questionably. "Um whats with the dipping sauce?" He asked. Not again. Seriously dipping sauce? Oh come on!" Joker said to himself. "Umm a story for another time." He said as he smiled shyly. Phoenix yawned as he curled up near the fire. "Ive never payed much attention to the stars when I was searching for my Ship. They were actually this beautiful." Phoenix said. Joker yawned. "Seriously? Just now? Wow Ive been living under the Shining Night for years now and you were in space where you were loads closer to the stars." Joker said frantically. "Maybe because I saw a very special star on earth. I guess thats why I only noticed the beauty of stars." Phoenix said as he stared directly at Jokers shining eyes. Joker moved his head to the side to avoid letting Phoenix see his red checks. "Llets just go to bed. The girls we met a while ago might help us out." Joker said. He took out the necklace he stole and handed it out to Phoenix. "Here Yawning Jerk! Itts for u." He said. Phoenix smiled at the small offer and weared the necklace.
"Tomorrow we shall find a way to get back to earth. And destroy that flipping orb. I knew it something was fishy with it." Joker said as he laid down on the grass. They both drifted to sleep under the stars above them.

Sorry if I was so late to update. Hehehe. So yah. Here is a nice chapter for yall. See you soon!


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