Chapter 11 - Umm, Curry?

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Just so yalk know... when I first watched the episode where Joker sang his curry song, I couldnt stop laughing XD. It was hilarious too much.
Anyways onto the chapter!!

Joker woke up from his BeAuTyFuL slumber. His stomach started to make its signature sound. Geez Im hungry... what time is it? Oh great its 5 in the morning. I wonder If Hacchi is up. I DO need him to make CURRRRYYYYAhhh.

Joker said. He stood up and took a bath and dressed up. He sneakily walked over to Hacchis room to see him sound asleep. Oh right. Hacchi stayed up all night trying to arrange everyone in the Sky Joker... Dang I wanted CURRRYYEEHHH! He tried to stop crying until he heard Phoenix walked up infront of him. "Hey Joker. What are you doing infront of Hacchi-sans room?" Phoenix said as he rubbed his eyes. Joker sighed. "I was hungryyyy and Hacchi is asleeeepppp so I cannot have Curryyy..." he said sadly. Phoenix giggled. "Aww Jokers sad. Dont worry I know how to make Hacchis curry." He said. Jokers eyes lit up happily. He wanted to shout but he immediately remembered all his sleeping other friends. "Currrrryyyy" he said quietly. The soon to be couple waltz their way into the kitchen. Joker sat down as he watched Phoenix cook. Twilight and Luna woke up with the smell of Curry. Before they could waltz into the Kitchen to grab a whole bowl of curry, Queen and Hacchi stopped them.

Luna - Guys. What gives?

Twilight - Yah? We HAVE to eat something for everything we will be doing!!

Hacchi - shhh. Look

Queen - they are like a cute couple!!

The 4 morning walkers took a quick peek at the sight.

Phoenix walked over to Joker to spoon feed the boy. Joker refused suddenly to eat the yawning jerks cooking. I mean, you never know if the bird put something suppperrrr spicy or something very poisonous. Apparently Phoenix managed to put the spoon full of Curry in Jokers mouth. Joker chewed on it for a while. His eyes lit up. "THIS TASTES AMAZING!!" He yellep in excitement. He started to scoop up loads of the Curry Phoenix made. "Oh thats why.." Twilight said. Luna smiled. "Yas the ship is real folks." She said with a smile.

"Author-chan!!" Luna yellep. "Whatcha need?" I said. "A JoQueen book." She smiled. "I mean, why not. I do have a plot in mind. But not right now Luna. Your in the chapter remember?" I said giving her glance. "Oh right... hehehe" Luna said. I yeeted myself outa of this convo so that this chapter can proceed. "But this Jackai book would reach greater heights in my flipping highschool years baby!!!" I yelled.

Twilight smiled as the couple giggled and blushed at their suddeb realization of them being to close to each other. Dump suddenly strolled behind them. Took a short look. Stroll towards Queen and the others. And spat out the tea he just drank. "So... which one is gay?" Dump asked the 4 stalkers. Captain Blue entered the scene as well. "Im betting on Joker! I felt something fishy when we first met. Didnt knew he was gay for that bird.." Blue said cheekily.

Lilian dragged her dress as she reached the room on where Kaitou Tiara was staying at. Dang these dresses. Who even invented these? She asked herself. She knocked on the door carefully. Dont want my powers to punch the door outside the castle and hit some giant mountain and probably cause an avalange... she said again to herself. Tiara opened her door to see the Princess. "Um miss puffiness. What can I do for you at this time of the day?" She said. Lilian rolled her eyes. "Still as sarcastic as usual. Anyways. Can you contact your friends?" The princess asked as she let herself in her guests room. Tiara smirked. "Who am I? Your royal caller? And yes of course I can. Im Kaitou Tiara! I can do ANYTHING." She said. She took out her phone to dial a number when a long piece of bandages took ahold of the phone. "What gives L? Arent we supposed to call them?" She asked questionally. Lilian sighed. She made a motion with her hands to direct the bandage to give her the Phone. "Not here. They shouldnt find out where we are remember?" She said. Tiara sighed. "Rightttt.... Geez this hiding of ur identities are reallg annoying." She said with a smile. "But I understand anyways." She said. She took her flute and grabed her friends hand. "Maybe try taking this puffy thing off first. The girls will turn you to a unicorn if they see you like this." Tiara said. Lilian giggled. She flipped her sleeves to reveal an unusual mark on her left wrist while on her right was a weird looking watch. She flipped her watch and pressed a button. Her dress instantly twirled around until it changed to a pair of pants, her usual looking suit. "Time to meet Aura and the gang." Tiara yelled in glee.

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