Chapter 14 - meeting the princess pt.2

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Joker and Phoenix looked at the princess. She wasnt the princess they were expecting with long puffy gowns and currled hair and well jeweled crowns. This princess of Estaria was wearing a normal silked dress, with a high ponytail and a simple lapis crown. She also has bandages around her neck and her arms. And 2 of the wraps were not wraped around anywhere and was just laying excessively beside her. Phoenix scooted beside Joker. "I have seen her before.. I just cannot remember where..." he said. Joker sighed. "You travel around the galaxy. Of course you dont remember who she is." Joker said. Phoenix sighed. "I gues-" he said before being cutted by the princess herself. "PHOENIX!! Omigosh! Long time no see!!" She said. Phoenix just agreed to the sudden hug. "You dont remember me. Its me Lilian bird brain!" She said. Phoenix's brain snapped and instantly. "Oohhh. I remember now...." he said. Phoenix stood up. "Everyone meet Lilian. She helped me and Acrux when our ship broke down.." he said. Joker smiled. "Because of water?" He asked. Phoenix blushed in embarrasment as he nodded his head. All his friends fell down anime style at the stupidity and cuteness of the bird. Lilian smiled. "So these are the friends you met huh. Im guessing that ones your boyfrie-" she began before one of her wraps covered her mouth. "Thanks my dear wraps. I could have sworn I deactivated you.." she said. Rose beamed in joy. "Your a witch?" She asked. Lilian giggled ans cuddled Rose. "Your sooo cute.. and no I am not a witch. I have powers. Thats all." She said as she snuggled Rose. Liam sighed. "So your stuck here again but you brought company.." he said as he lifted his head from his phone. Zero giggled coldly as he stood up. "At least inform us on your visit. Elyk thought you guys came here through a blimp!" He said jokingly. "HEY!" Elyk screached. The Queen shocked her head. "Shut up Elyk your disrupting the Queens concentration.." Queen Summer said. Queen smiled. "I like her. You have any swords?" She asked. Zero pressed a button to reveal hundreds of swords in the garden. "Sweet!" She said. Joker smiled. "A friend of my boyfriend is a friend of mine." He said jokingly. Lilian smiled. "Your hilarious and AAAKK!!" She said as she saw Spade. "Yyour Spadon King!!" She said. "Hhow does she know my author name if my books arent sold here and I didnt do a face reveal.." he said. Phoenix smiled. "One. She traveled to Earth. Two she bought your book from an alien. Or three I gave her your books and showed a picture of you and told her your identity.." he said. Spade immediatly fainted with Ai helping him up. Shadow Joker was talking with Lilian about letting Rose go. She said no because of her cuteness. A few hours later of chatting, they decided to have a serious chat...

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