Chapter 17 - Why?

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Spade woke up to the sound of someone screaming. Shadow, being his roommate jumped out of bed. "Whoo in the bloody rain is yelling in the morning??!!?!?" Shadow said. Spade yawned. "Lets go.. 'sigh'.." the two boys watlz to the room where the noise was coming from when it hit Spade. "Umm. Where us Joker? Wasnt he sleeping in our room?" He asked. Shadow sighed. "Will that answer your question?" He said. Spade turned around to see Joker hugging the life out of Phoenix as he startes throwing cards at Hosshi. "What the?!?!" Queen said as she too walked over to the situation at hand. "EWW GET AWAY FROM ME SPACE CAT!!?!?!?" he said. Phoenix tried to place Joker down. "Joker! Im still sleepy!!!" He said. Hacchi sighed. "Oh Mr. Joker..."  he said.

An hour later, the gang was called down by Bob and was led them to the dining hall. When they entered the room, the king was seated in the middle of the table. The princess was feeding a little 3 year old girl. Zero was being annoyed by Elyk as Summer, Autumn, Charlotte and Millenia laughed at the senario. Liam noticed the guests and ran towards them. "Hi guys! Were having breakfast! Come join us!!" He said cheerfully. Dump smiled. "Gladly." He said. Jokers eyes lit up. "FOOOOD!!" He said. Phoenix giggled. "Lets eat!!" Rose said.

Twilight and her group just woke up when Chibi jumped on their bed. "Lets goooo! Were having breakfast!!" She said. Tiara sighed. "Were tired!!!" She said. Luna nodded her head. "We need sleep yah know?" She said. Aura sighed. "The others are downstairs. Lets go and eat now." She said. Prodigy nodded. "Yup Im starving!" She said. The girls walked to the dinning hall to see beautiful food on the table. And now life was in front of them.

"Why does it have to be me Yawning jerk! Why?!" Joker asked. Phoenix sighed. "Its because its supposed to be us Joker..." he said. It was the afternoon and they were fighting over some nonsense game Queen decided to play. They were playing truth or dare and Spade dared Joker to braid Phoenix hair and afterwards, kiss the bird on the cheeck. Joker however took the dare annoyingly and madly while Phoenix loved it. The group smiled at the duo when the princess came. "Were ready!!" She said. "Time to bring u home!!!" Liam said.

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