Chapter 13 - Meeting the Princess Pt.1

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Twilight hung up. Twilight,Luna, Chibi and Aura began to giggle in delight. They are meeting the flipping princess!! I mean, sure she appears every one a year for the ice festival ever since they landed in Estaria but meeting her personally!! Yasss!!

But... they have a problemo... Joker and his gang are probably seen as a threat. Chibi bounced up and down. "I know! Lets tag them along!! To show them that they arent evil and deadly!" She said. Luna smiled. "Not a bad plan little kaitou!" She said. Aura hugged her sister. "Now thats my sis." She said proudly. Twilight ran inside the Sky Joker.

"GUYS! WE ARE GOING ON A TRIP!!" She said. Joker stood up. "In our favorite rocket ship?" He said singing the familiar song he knew when he was a kid. Spade yeeted outside. "Soaring through the sky!" He said. Then Queen came zooming in. "LITTLE EINSTEIN" she screamed.
"ClImB AbOaRd GeT ReAdY tO ExPlOrE!!" Shadow said as Rose facepalmed herself. Phoenix not knowing the song began to laugh at Joker. The 4 continued their little song. They clearly arent a threat.. Just look at em.. she said to herself.

The group have been escorted to the grand gardens where they meet Kaitou Tiara. Twilight and Luna ran straight towards her and knocked her out her balance. Aura hugged her after Tiara regainned her balance. They were showed towards the central garden where the princess was actually argurring with the head of the guard. The two princes were just watching in their phones. A girl with a long gown was chatting with what seems to be a royal teacher. They can also see a queen and princess who were clearly from another kingdom and a cute little girl that seems to be the sibling of the head of the knights hugging her brother to stop fighting with the princess. A man with whats seems to have a robotic theme came to meet the coming group. "Im so sorry for this.. um. Dilema. Please. Take a seat. My name is Bob and Im the royal assistant over here." Bob said with a smile. Joker and Phoenix looked towards each other. They knew exactly that something tells them that heading home now was going to be a piece of cake..

Hi yall!! UwU hope yall enjoy this mini chapter uwu. See yall soon! Bye bye yall!

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