Chapter 9 - What, NOW?

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Joker walked inside the Sky Joker. And you may be wondering HOW on EARTH would the SKY JOKER appear in the flipping other flipping world or dimension? Well.....

Hacchi opened the chest where Joker and Phoenix hid and didnt saw them. Now thats Strange? He immediately panicked and called everyone he knew to help. Shadow and Rose came first followed by Spade and Ai, Queen came after 2 minuets and so did Dump and Spider Ace. They all gathered around and discussed what may happened. Spade was awfully quiet as he finally realized what the flip was the orb inside the chest was. "Its a magical teleporting orb. It probably sent Phoenix and Joker to an alternate dimension just like this or a different planet. Not sure where. It could be anywhere." he said. Shadow sighed in annoyance. "Great! Jokers missing on the day I would compete against him! Urggg!" He said. Rose reassured her brother. "Its going to be okay Oni-chan." She said with a smile. Queen laughed. "Why not teleport there too? I mean, I have to help Grandpa but I am waaayyy in the mood of getting out into the great unknown u know?" She said with a smile. Dump stood up. "I mean, it would be fun than boring TV." He said with a smile. Hacchi took Jokers Kaitou outfit. "Joker-san was wearing his Pajamas...." He said. Thats when Spade lost it. He started to laugh with the thought of his rival wearing pajamas as he wander in the great unknown. "I cannot miss this." Shadow agreed with Spade. Ai knelt down to Spade who was laughing uncontrollably on the floor. "Mr. Spade you will get a fever!" She said. Spider Ace yelped in happiness. "Adventure!!!" he said. Ruko sighed. "How will we ALL go there?" He asked. Shadow just casually shrugged. "Lets all hold hands as the last one will hold onto the Sky Joker so we have a vehicle." He said. Spade stood up. "Sounds good." They all did as what Shadow said and it reluctantly worked. 

Joker sighed, remembering the weird way on how his friends got there. The question now is, what NOW? And how the flip will he bring the Sky Joker, his old friends and new friends home?

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