Chapter 2 - The Dream

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Joker was wide awake for 3 hours and apparently havent got some sleep. He kept on thinking about what Phoenix was up to that he had to creep into his room. Half way there, he froze up and immediately walked back to his room. Damn Am I the chicken here or what?
Joker asked himself. He stayed up for another 2 hours when he finally managed to fall asleep.

Joker was floating in a void of nothing. Suddenly a small being was falling above him. Out of instinct, Joker gasped and held the mystery person in his hands. The person smiled and got off Joker and suprisingly dragged him to oblivion. Jokers eyes were covered as he wlked down a pathway. The mystery person released their hands letting Joker see whats beyond his view. There were flowers and streamers everywhere. Whats going on? Joker asked himself. Suddenly the figure slowly turned into Phoenix wearing a suit. Joker gasped at what he was wearing. A white gown with a silky veil. He also had some lavender shaded roses on his hair and suddenly Phoenix lifted him up bridal style as they walked down the ile. Everything was going as planned and the priest, who was Silver Heart was saying some stuff  that Joker couldnt hear. Suddenly Joker started to fall down, trying to grasp Phoenix's hand until someone was shaking him up. "JOKER JOKER!" Phoenix yelled. Joker jolted awake as he stared at Phoenix IN his room on his bed beside him. "Wwhat?" Joker asked. "ITS RAINING!" He said. Joker stared at him starngely. "Its okay Phoenix, we are inside the Sky Joker remember?" Joker said reashurringly. Phoenix shook his head. "There was a leak in my room." He said sadly. "Oh. So thats the room Hacchi brought u into. I told him to bring u to the one next door. Urg." Joker said annoyingly for his little apprentice didnt quitely understood his instructions. Joker stood up from his bed as he dragged Phoenix to his suppose to be room until his bird friend tugged his sleeve. "Ccan I stay with you please?" He said. Thank the worlds that it was dark in Jokers room because Joker is super red at the moment. Joker knew that

1. It was an opportunity
2. He (Phoenix) was too scared of water and currently worried if the other room is leaking.

So Joker closed his door as he took some extra blankets and pillows for Phoenix. "Here. U want the left or right side of the bed?" Joker asked. Phoenix blushed which wasnt thankfully noticeable. "Umm the left?" He asked nervously. "Uum sure thing." Joker said. "Jjust dont think of placing Hosshi inside." Joker said as he climed into bed. "Haha sure thing." Phoenix said as the two future couple snoozed to sleep in bed.

Hi! Author here. If u want ur OC to be here in my story, just comment it down below. Also if you have suggestions on what you want to see on the next chapters, comment that below too. See u soon!


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