Chapter 12 - Hugs

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It has been a week? 3 days? Who knows how long has it been since Joker and his friends decided to go on a little trip to Estaria, a completelt unknown planet. Lucky for them, their new kaitou friends lived there for 3 years ever since their plane crashed there, not finding the right earthly materials needed to fix it. Estaria's technology was wayyyy too advance even to fix the ship. Now, since Joker and the gang came, they all have a higher chance of returning to earth. One thing though... a very important question lies in Jokers head....

Joker screamed. Phoenix started laughing uncontrollably at how Joker scrammed towards the ref.

"HACCHI WHERE IS MYYY CURRY!!" He yelled. Hacchi and the rest of the gang came running, thinking someone is attacking Joker.. But they were all dissapointed with what they saw.. Joker was yeeting all the food from the ref. While Phoenix continued to laugh on the floor.

Spade decided to go back to his spa treatment in his temporary room inside the Sky Joker.

Queen picked up Ruko and walked away pretending that Joker isnt crying over his said curry.

Shadow decided to film this perfect moment. Mumbling to himself that it would be a perfect blackmail for future purposes.

Rose grabbed Hosshi and some Kompeito (is that how its spelled?) And she skipped to her room.

Dump and Spider Ace decided to grab some coffee as they dodged some flying food from their dear friend Joker.

Dark eye and Hacchi trotted away, ignoring the situation in front of them.

Twilight and Aura decided to clean up at least some food. Especially their favorites.

Luna scrolled through her phone and began to snap pictures of the wonderful sight infront of them.

Chibi giggled with Phoenix at how scared Joker is when he realized that there wasnt enough ingredients for Curry.

After Joker and Phoenix calmed down, everyone left the love birds in the kitchen. Thats when Phoenix heard some sniffling sounds. He turned his head to see Joker crying. "Umm. Hhey Joker. Whats wrong?" He asked as he started to scoot near Joker. The jokester rubbed his eyes. "Ooh nothing. Ii just *sniff* remembered my mom when she told me we couldn't make any curry... Its *sniff* not the currys fault im crying.... its the memory of my mom.. *sniff*" Joker said. Despite having water in Jokers eyes, Phoenix brought Joker into a hug, comforting him. So this is what humans feel when they remember the person they lost. Poor Joker. I wonder what happened to his parents. Probably now isnt the best time to ask hin that.. Phoenix thought to himself when he continued to comfort his crush.

When Joker snoozed to sleep in thr birds arm..Phoenix kissed Jokers forehead as he whispered. "Its going to be okay. Joker-san."

Twilights phone began to ring while she was hanging out with Chibi, Aura and Luna. I wonder who is calling at this time around. She asked herself. "Dang this caller! Im busy as evarh!!" She said. Aura sighed. "Just answer it already so we can continue with our game." She said. Chibi nodded and Luna gave her a thumbs up. Twilight sighed as she took her phone out. She pressed the call button and spoke throught the speaker. "Hello? Twilight speaking." She said. "Hi Twi. Listen I know u might be having a date with your boyfriend or something-" the caller said. "HEY! IM SINGLE!!" Twilight said, annoyingly. The caller giggled. "Okay drama queen. But seriously. Can we all meet up? Someone wants to meet with u all." The caller said casually. "I guess. Who is it?" Twilight said. Chibi, Aura and Luna scooted beside their friend yearning the answer on who was the caller and who was the one who will they meet. "The flipping princess dummy! Oh and regarding the princess. Some unidentified people landed here with a blip? Like seriouly how can that reach space? We need ur help to catch them. Just in case they are planning something.. evil.." the caller said. Twilight sighed knowing this was going to be a huge problem unless she tells them who Joker and his friends were and that they come in peace. "Um Sure Tiara. Were on our way!" She said.

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