Chapter 10 - Where?

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After all of the gang had their rest in their sky joker who apparently appeared out of nowhere...   Shadow wandered through the woods with Twilight and Chibi who were strolling behind. "So. How are we gonna get home?" He asked himself. "Well..... you can do that magic thingy again or we can fix our ship." Twilight said. "GAHHH!" Shadow said. Chibi casually waved her hand. "Hello Jokers twin!" She said. "We arenr twins. We arent related!!" Shadow said.

What they didnt knew that a group of guards were patrolling around and notice the unfamiliar folks. "L. We spot some unknown citizens in the garden of spirits... Yes your majesty... Your not allowed to leave the palace.... Fine. Just because of THAT..." The guard said. He hauled his men to the way they came through.

Joker called Phoenix over to his room to finally tell him something was up in this world. Not only was the sky pink and purple but some aura
(NoT Kaitou Aura) was there and it was bugging him to the point he has to tell SOMEONE and he chose His future BoYfRiEnD. Phoenix casually walked into the room to see Joker lying on the floor as sheets of papers where scattered on the floor. "Joker? Whats going on in here?" He asked. Joker sitted up straight and took out a specific paper. "THIS" he said. On the paper was a figure of a man. Probably in his 18s wearing a knight outfit. "I keep on seeing him somewhere near us. Like seriously this is creepy." He said and out of habit he cling onto Phoenixs arm. The bird flushed a shade of pink at this action and decided to just enjoy the moment. He patted Jokers head. "Aww is someone scared?" He said jokingly. Joker stood up in a flash as fast as Sonic who dashed XD. "Me? Scared? Flipp No!!" He said. Suddenly Hosshi jumped on Joker from behind. "GAHHHH!!! SAVE MEHHHHHH!!!" Joker said in NOT fear XD. Phoenix started to laugh uncontrolably at how cute joker looked like despite the fact he is trying to yeet hosshi away. Suddenly Spade rushed into the room. "GUYS! I know where we are!!" He said.

Meanwhile, the so called Knight was named Elyk Stone III. He was the head of the guard and held a secret trully to great for the world. He stepped into the throne room to see the reigning Prince's and Princess, commonly known as his friends. "Lilian. Please. We need to act now." He adressed to the princess. She stood up and walked towards a portrait of her parents, long gone for eternity. She pressed a button revealing a stash of weapons. She took out her Reaper and her twin brother, Liam took his machine gun while their 2nd older brother, Zero took out his desired knife. "Call the League. We can handle them. But first.. I need to pay Kaitou Tiara a visit. Gather them all together and then we can proceed." She said calmly despite it opposes her usual attitude in battle. "Yes Your Highnessness." Elyk said. Liam giggled as Zero gave a shut up Elyk look. "We must do this. Other wise Estaria will be dealing with new problems." Zero said in his monotone voice. "Yeesh dont need to tell me twice. Suit up!" Lilian said.

I do NOT own Kaitou Tiara and yall will be seeing more of her soon. She belongs too CookiesAreThe.

Apparently Lilian IS my personal Oc. Elyk, Zero, and Liam are my friends ocs and I made their attires and names. Apparently I do not have a finished picture of Lilian so Imma add that soon to one of these chapters.

If yall want ur Oc here despite having loads of ocs here that sometimes I loose track if this one spoke already or not is fine by me. Honestly I love it when original characters jump into the world we wanna be in XD. So yall can just type away if u wanna join. Hehehe. See yall soon!

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