Chapter 19

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Phoenix scurried down the Sky joker to check on their friends. When he reached the ground, the princess began to wake up. Lilian looked around to see Phoenix. "Wwhats going on?" She asked. Joker sighed. "The portal closed and now Prof. Clovers brother is now one of our new enemies... Great. I love this attention actually." Joker said. Spade walked calmly down despite the situation they just encountered. "Well. We know one thing.. He wants his um.. Treasure back and its with master.." he said. Queen walked down sadly, hugging Ruko tightly. "We have to get back to Earth! Grandpa is in danger?!" She said.

Shadow sighed. "We can't because the only way to get there is that sleeping Queen from pringle land?" He said. Elyk sighed annoyingly. "No. Its not pringle land." He said as he began to stand up. "Its Pringolia?" He said. Lilian sighed. "Enough about that. What is that um treasure he wanted or something?" She asked. "Well it was a figurine I think.." Dump said as he and Spider Ace finally helped Hacchi get down the Sky Joker. "MR. JOKER DONT GO RUNNING OFF LIKE THAT YOU SCARED ME!" He said. Joker sighed. "Your not my mom Hacchi.." he said. (Someone save the poor Hacchi..)

They all entered the castle to discuss what to do next while Summer was still sleeping. She was the last one hit so she was and will be the last one to wake up. Phoenix looked around for Joker and eventually found him on the balconey. "Hey." He said. Joker turned around to see the yawning jerk. "Oh hey.." he said. The two stood side by side for a while. "Hey. I guess this is how you felt back at Earth aye?" Joker said casually. Phoenix tilted his head. "Umm what do you mean? I thought the night was your home?" He asked. Joker smiled. "Well.. Yes the night is my home.. But it isnt quite the home. I mean look! Its clearly night in here but.. I dont feel.." "at home?" Phoenix finished. Joker nodded. "Yah.. I mean. As long as your here... AND every one of our friends.. but.. It feels different. You know?" He said. Phoenix smiled. "Hey. We will help Silver Heart.. Stop this clown. And get home."he said as he kissed his forehead. "I hope so." He said.

Meanwhile, Lilian started walking back and forth as Liam and Zero stared at their sibling. "Whats up?" Zero asked. Lilian sighed. "That thing Prof. Night? Am I right with his name?" She asked. Liam shrugged. "I have no idea honestly. Like we keep track of every villain's name we face."he said. The trio nodded in agreement. "Anyways.. That thing he want, actually sounds like what mom wanted to steal when we were 5.." she said. "And its connected to something big. But I cannot seem to remember what.." she said. Zero gave an annoyed look.

"You want to steal that thing so you can analyze it and figure it out?" He asked. Lilian gave an annoyed look. "Like I want to get back to being a Kaitou?" She said. Liam tilted his head in mystery. "Um. Why dont you want to go back being a kaitou? I mean its okay if you dont because we have new responsibilities and all as guardians. But you havent told anyone. Even me why you quit." He said. Zero nodded in agreement. "Yah. You really enjoy being a Phanthom theif. So why did you quit?" He asked. Lilian pounded the table nearest her.

"You know EXACTLY why I quit being a Kaitou, Liam! Its because of what happened to mom! She she... she died because of it.. And I dont want to do that same mistake ever again." She said. "I mean. You do have a point Zero. I love being a kaitou.. But. We have bigger responsibilities to handle. One that.. is to big to even tell Phoenix.." she said. "And I feel like Prof. Night.. is working with dad.." she said. Liam sighed. "Um. Wait dad? How come?" He asked. Zero sighed. "Its possible.." he said silently.

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