Chapter 15 - Some serious Chat

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When Lilian knew that the threats werent.. well.. threats... they decided to topic on something serious. How will their friends all return home. I mean sure. There is a super simple way. Except... the blimp wouldnt fit the portal they had. And even if Summer can teleport them. The blimp has always been a problem. So she decided to investigate on how they got there.

"How did you guys get here? Including the blimp?" She asked. They all pointed at Spade and Shadow. The duo explained it to the group on how the heck they got there in the first place. When the princess tapped her finger on the table, when she realized something. "Hey. What was the gem u all said?" She asked. Hacchi scurried and volunteered to get the gem. A few minutes later, he came back and Lilian and her friends inspected the orb and they all gave a smile. "Well?" Joker asked as he clutched Phoenixs hand just to make sure that they can go home.

"I think I know how yall can return home." Lilian said. She turned towards Joker and Phoenix. "But you both might not like it. Or maybe like it.. Depends." She said.

Phoenix tilted his head. "What do we have to do?" He asked. Joker smiled "yah we will do ANYTHING!!" He said. Lilian sighed. "You sure? You have-" she began. "Yup! Anything to get out of here and return home!!!" Phoenix said. Lilian smiled. "I hope your up for it boys. Its pretty simple actually..."

"EEEEEHHHHH?!?!?!??!" Joker and Phoenix said as they blushed in terror as Lilian whispered to them on what to do in order to get home. I mean. Sure, we can make the portal larger for the blimp to fit.. but where is our travel fee? So lets have some fun. Tehehehhe. Lilian said to herself.

Joker couldnt believe it. Sure he likes the yawning jerk. But kissing him?!? Now that was not a dream of his... (or was it??!?! Damn Joker u had a dream wedding with Phoenix!) So why on earth would this princess say that the only way to return home is for him AND Phoenix. Aka. akai tsubasa has to kisssss?!?!??!?!? WHYYY?!?!?

Phoenix couldnt believe it! He is going to have to Kiss Joker!! I cannot believe this! I have been so in love with him since we met and now I got this opportunity! I cannot miss this! Phoenix said to himself.

Lilian smiled. "I will leave you two be." She said. She dragged the two boys into her room where she has installed cameras. She opened her phone to see the beautiful scenery in front of her.

Twilight sighed. I wonder what they had to do? Oh I hope they do it. Then we can finally head home! She thought. Tiara sighed. "I swear if they dont do it-" she began when Lilian came back. "They done it!! We can totally help you get back home!" She said. Elyk sighed. "What did you make them do?" He asked. Lilian smiled. "Oh nothing. Just what the readers wanna see...hehehe" she said. Winking at her fellow 4th wall friends.

Phoenix blushed slightly.. "Hhey Joker.. what are we gonna do?" He asked. Joker sighed and scooted closer to Phoenix, his blush from pink turning red. Phoenix smiled. "Sly Joker." He said. Joker pouted. "Lets get this done.." he said. (Tsundere much Joker. You likey anyways XD.) Phoenix moved closer as their lips touched. They both melted into the kiss. Lasting one minute. After their cute kiss, they smiled at each other. Joker pouted, embarrased at himself. Phoenix began to laugh at how cute Joker looked like.

When night arrived, Lilian insisted that they stay in for the night. Joker cuddled up in his bed after a very long day. Shadow and Spade shared the room with Joker. Spade jumped on Jokers bed as Shadow casually climbed on it. "Soo what did the Princess told u and Phoenix to do huh?" Spade said, being the one who wants to know. Shadow nodded. "Come on! Tell us!!" He said eagerly. Joker sighed. "Why yall wanna know? Im tireddd!" He said. Spade smiled. "Did you kisss??!?!" He said. Joker stood up. "Whaaaa?!??! Noooo. I mean why??!?! I mean uhhh..." Joker said. Shadow smiled. "Hah! I knew it! Pay up Spade!!" He said. Joker laughed at how they bet what Joker and Phoenix did. Phoenix smiled from the window as he watched Joker. I love you Joker.. Phoenix said as he flew back into his room.

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