Chapter 18 - WHAT???

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The gang of Joker and their new friends Luna and her gang walked inside the Sky Joker, getting ready for their return to Earth. Lilian waved a goodbye as Summer opened a large portal. Hacchi directed the Sky Joker and they were half way through when the ground shoock and the portal colaspe. "What the?" Elyk said as he looked around. Tiara and Prodigy looked at each other confussed. "Whats going on down there?" She asked.. Spade looked outside the window.

"Guys? Whats THAT?" Phoenix said. Joker looked and gave a horrific look. "Why is he riding a LARGE CAT?!" he said. Instantly within seconds.. poor Joker was shivering behind Phoenix.

Meanwhile at the ground...

Zero looked tiredly at the figure in front at them. Geez when will the chaos end? First these earth homans show up magically. Who knows how. And then my not serious sister decided to make a ship happen so that they can return. Now a weird man is riding a giant cat with a flock of birds... Great...

"What u want umm. Who are u?" Summer said. The dude smiled. "Oh silly me. Thats not important right now your hignesses. Please stay out of this.. its between me and those Kaitous.." the weirdo said. Liam gave a worried look. "Mostly. People look for us. So what did these nice people do to u?" He said. The guy smiled and some black dust filled the air and instantly Jokers new friends from Estaria all fell to the ground and were instantly unconcious.(is that how u spell it?)

"You will never escape! Unless you return my starbird!" The man said
Joker and Shadow gasped. "You are Prof Clover? I thought ur dead And u steal hour glasses? And what is a Starbird??" Joker said, still hiding because of the cat. "Oh.. U met my brother. Geez. Im Prof. Night and im older than Clover. One of you Kaitous stole MY starbird!!" He said. Spade looked suspiciously. "Umm. How come we never heard of you?" He spoke through the microphone of the Sly Joker.

Prof. Night smiled as he stroked his large cat. "Oh. I stayed here my whole life. Clover wanted useless treasures. And I wanted better treasures. And now... Im looking for my Starbird. Where is it?" He said. Queen gasped. "Grandpa stole a treasure similar to that... what if?" She said. Prof. Night smiled. "I will be going now. You all cant get to Earth at this rate. Your princess friends are asleep for at least a day. And I promise you all. This Grandpa of yours.. Wont just be hurt.." he said as he galloped away.

Queen began to sob. "why did I even talked?" She said. Rose and Ai began to comfort her. Joker gave a determined look. "We have to wake them up. And find Master." He said. Phoenix smiled as he hugged Joker to a comforting hug. "We will find Silver Heart AND stop Prof. Night. I promise." He said

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