Chapter 8 - Jokers new look XD

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Joker wined in fustration. "Hey!! You were all supposed to rescue us!! Not join in the captivity!!" He said as he walked into an empty bathroom that was apparently inside their captured area or place whatever u readers wanna call it. Rose floated inside the room. "But Oni-chan. They look like very nice people." She said as she hugged all the girls. "I like this one. She must be the most nicest of their group." Chibi said. "Im Rose and thats Cyan. Hes my oni-chan. Thats Jack. He is like Oni-chans twin. Then thats Queen. She is amazing." Rose began. She continued to introduce everyone as Chibi introduced her group. Joker came out of the bathroom with his signature outfit. Phoenix stared into oblivion as Joker wipped (is that how u flipping spell that? Like dude im in highschool and I cannot flipping spel-)
His hair as he fixed his hat. Phoenix started to grow a light pink blush throughout his checks. Apparently Spade walked up to Phoenix and he began swiping his hands in front of Phoenix. "Umm.. Akai? Phoenix? Earth or Space to Phoenix?" Spade said. Dump walked behind his dear family member aka Spade as he too tried to snap Phoenix back to reality. Shadow even offered to throw flipping water on him. But Hacchi and Ai yanked him to a very far away from their bird friend. Queen tried to 'slash' him back to reality but then again. Phoenix was able to dodge them all. Despite being in an alternate world where the only person he sees is only the love of his life. Aka Joker of yall didnt knew. (Wait. U knew? How? Oh wait.... the title and description tells so. Sigh) After every single soul in the room tried to help the poor bird exit his world of many Joker faces. Apparently Queen sighed "I give up! Chicken Wings can live in his fantasy world and we could leave him here." She said. Rose giggled as Twilight started to drag a being from a room. Aura smiled as she stood on a chair. "Ladies, Gentlemen and animal friends. Welcome to our very first fashion show! We discovered the only way to bring back that being to the world we all belong on." She said as she pointed to Phoenix who started to nod even if he is seriously NOT dreaming of Joker hugging him and saying to the world that he would marry him. Apparently Luna pushed a girl with silver bluish hair. She was wearing an adorable dress that was apparently inspired by Jokers Kaitou outfit. Phoenix FINALLY snapped back into reality as he realized who that was. "J-oker?" Phoenix said as he flushed a full red blush across his face.


Originally the title of this chapter was


But I changed it because hEy. Joker got a new make over and that was my fav. Part of this chapter XD. Anyways see yall!!!

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