Chapter 7 - The Gears

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Phoenix woke up in an awfully dark room. He tried to stand up but to his avail, he was tied to the ground. He heard Joker shift behind him so he decuded to wake the sleepy head up. "Joker wake up." He began. Joker yawned. "Noooooo. I want more CuRrY Hacchi!" Joker said. Phoenix wined and mentally slapped himself. Suddenly Joker clutched Phoenix arm. "Noooooo you cannot have Yawning Jerk from MeH Dr. Weird wig hair! Hes MiNeeeeeeee!" Joker said as he pulled Phoenix more. The bird giggled at what was going on. Suddenly the girls they met the other day or was it yesterday. "Wakey wakey!!!" Chibi yelled. Joker snuggled near Phoenix. "HeCk No HaCcHi!! Ur not my mommy! Go AwAy!" Joker said. Twilight started to giggle. "Whahahha! This is hilarious!" She said. Luna and Aura were looking very serious. Apparently, Aura walked towards the captured boys. "We will offer you both a deal." She began. Apparently Sleeping Beauty smiled. "OoOooOh. Does it have CuRrY?" Joker said. "Umm. Yah. Curry. Whatever that is." Aura said. "All you both have to do is help us fix our ship and we will bring you to earth." Aura said. "And CuRrY?" Joker said still snuggling on Phoenix. "Yes. Curry." Luna said stressfully. Twilight started to poke on Jokers cheek. "Hmmp. Spade ur PrAnKiNg Me! Noooooooooo. Get that DiPpInG sauce AWaY from meeeeehhh!" Joker squealed. Phoenix sighed. "Joker wake up or else Spade gets the curry." He said. Jokers eyes bolted open. "WAaah! Wait. Spade never gets Curry. Only Phoenix and I eat curry." He said. Chibi giggled. "How hilarious is he! He should be a clown or something!" She said. Twilighr sighed. "Who is this Spade anyways? And whats with the dipping sauce? And is this Phoenix your boyfriend? Your clearly snuggling him right now." Twilight said with a grin. Joker suddenly realized that he was, yes, still snuggling the already red but turned even more reder Phoenix. "Iuhhhuwjrkdisjwno" Joker replied. "We will take that as a yes to the deal and to the boyfriend." Luna said. "Still. Earlier in you dream before your boyfriend woke up. You constantly shouted the names Queen, Shadow, Spade and Hacchi. Who in the world are they?" Aura asked. "I believe that is us." Spade said. As he, Shadow joker. Queen. And Hacchi stood at the door way. "MR. JOKER!" Hacchi yelled. "I believe this is yours." Dump said as he and Spider Ace entered the room handing out to Joker his Phanthom Theif outfit.

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