Chapter 4 - Greetings! Pt. 1

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Joker and Phoenix were falling from the sky. "AAAAAGGHHHH" they both yelled as they landed softly on a pink  bush. "Wwut is this?" Phoenix asked. Joker took a bit of the pink bush and ate it. "Its.. Cotton candy?" Joker said. "What is Cotton candy?" Phoenix said trying to get a piece. "Its sweet." Joker said. Phoenix gave a sad and disgusted face saying he wished it was spicy. Joker smiled jokingly and hopped of the bush. "Come on Phoenix. Lets find out where are we." He said. Phoenix took Jokers hand and Joker helped him off the cotton candy bush. Apparently the sky was pink as well and the trees were filled with hanging letters. Joker took one letter and read what was inside. Apparently there wasnt anything inside at all. "Look over there Joker." Phoenix said pointing to what looks like a town. "Umm should we check the place out?" Phoenix said. "Sure. Maybe someone might have the answers to how we got here." Joker said. The two young men walked the blue path that leads to the town. They could see some people flying around and some other people zooming in a cart filled with cloths and trinkets.
"I wonder who can we ask." Joker began. A carrage came zooming beside them and at the process, splashing water around them. Phoenix rushed behind Joker and luckily didnt get wet an inch. Joker blushed a light shade of pink at Phoenix's actions. "Lets get going. We need to get out of here." Joker said. Phoenix nodded as he carefully scanned the area to see if there are any water threats. Joker held his hand out to the scarred bird friend he has. Phoenix tool his hand and together they waltz into the streets. They suddenly came across this particular shop that caught both of their eyes. There were 3 girls who were selling some magic potions. "Should we?" Joker asked. "Yah. They seem the most friendly type of person I have seen so far and they arenr't the ones who try to wet me." Phoenix exclaimed. Joker smiled and together they walked into the store. One of the girls saw the two and she nugged on another girl who looks quite similar to her. The girl on the counter walks towards them and she held a huge smile. "Hello! My name is Kaitou Twilight! Over there is Kaitou Aura and her sister Kaitou Chibi. Welcome to our shop! How may we help you both?" She said with a smile. Joker and Phoenix both stared at each other. They can instantly tell that it was going to be a long day. 

I don't own these 3 lovely and beautiful OCs so here are their rightful owners:

Kaitou Twilight - SweetPinkBlush25

Kaitou Aura - Lady0Lunamoon

Kaitou Chibi - The sister of Lady0Lunamoon

if u want ur oc here in my story, comment it down below! See yall soon!

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