Chapter 3 - Haunted

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Joker and Phoenix woke up to the sound of footsteps coming from the hallways in the Sky Joker. They both took each a flashlight as they slowly opened the door towards the hallway. Apparently, the whole Sky Joker was pitch black so they both can only see the things the flashlight is pointing at. Phoenix stared at one end of the hallway and Joker stared at the other. Apparently the can hear a whispering sound. "I bet this place is haunted.." Phoenix said. "I don't think so. Right?" Joker said confusingly. The two young boys carefully but surely walked to the living room when they both felt a hand touch their shoulders. "AAAAHHHH" They both yelled as they ran straight for the kitchen. Apparently the figure was walking up to them faster than expected. They both were gasping for air as they tried to out run the figure. "Quick, into my treasure room. We can loose 'pant' the figure there." Joker yelped. Phoenix scurried into the pathway Joker opened from the ref. Apparently the figure continued to chase them as they took leaps and bounds as they run in Joker's treasure room. More like treasure maze to be exact. Phoenix was slowly being left behind. Joker noticed it and immediately knew he had do something. I mean, you cannot outrun this mystery creepy something or someone. Joker had to think fast as they ran across a large treasure chest where he stole from the island of Hawaii on his day off, which wasn't supposed to happen unless Spade offered the challenge however. Joker quickly opened the chest and gestured Phoenix to go inside. The chest was large enough to fit at least 4 people so there were loads of room in there. Phoenix climbed inside the chest as Joker closes his flashlight so the mystery creepy person couldn't find them. One that was all taken care of, Joker jumped inside the chest and in just the nick of time, he and Phoenix shut the chest shut. The mystery creepy person was actually Hacchi who was looking for some help because he bit his tongue so hard, he couldn't talk. ( Apparently in my story, Hacchi grew at lest 2 more feet. ) Inside the chest however...

Phoenix : Are we safe in here?

Joker : Probably. Until then lets just stay inside.

Phoenix : Uumm Joker, whats this purple orb?

Joker : Huh. Didn't notice that when I stole the chest. I wonder what it is?

Phoenix : Wanna find out? 

Joker : Of course I do! Hah poor Spade he clearly hasn't seen the real treasure inside the chest.

Phoenix : Ookay lets just stay quiet. What if that thing comes and finds us?

Joker : Nah. That thing would never find us. Come on lets check it out!

Phoenix and Joker nodded their heads at each other as they both touched the purple ball. Suddenly, blue fog began to circulate around them. "Whats going on Joker?" The adorable bird said as he started to sway away the fog surrounding him. "How would I know Yawning Jerk? I just found this thing today remember?" Joker said, as he stated the obvious. Some weird sparkles appeared as the fog became ticker. "Lets gget out of here, I have a really bad feeling about this." Phoenix said. Joker nodded as both of them try to lift the lid of the chest. To their surprise, the lid wouldn't budge. "There wasn't a lock on this thing." Joker said. Phoenix suddenly tilted his head. "Uh Joker?" he began. "Not now Phoenix. Can't you see we have a problem here?" Joker said, ignoring Phoenix. "JOKER!" Phoenix said, trying to get the boys attention. "What?" Joker asked, still not looking at Phoenix. "Tthe  oorb thinggy. It-s.. Iiits-" Phoenix said. "Its what?" Joker said finally turning around. "You gotta be kidding me!" He said. In front of them was a big swirly purple and blue portal. Their flashlights were being sucked in. "Hh-old on!" Phoenix said as he tried to pull both of them away from the portal, but the pull was so strong. Joker and Phoenix was sucked into the portal, not knowing where they were going to end up.

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