Part 43

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Taehyung could not believe what he had just witnessed. He did not know if he wanted to believe it, and he felt the tale-tell beginnings of his anger rip through him like a tidal wave. He could not believe that Jungkook would just...ditch him like that. After serving up what he felt to be his sentence and then walking off as though it did not bother him. He knew that it did, he could see the worry and sadness in his eyes. Taehyung could practically see the longing in him to return to his side and yet he did not do so? Had he not been convincing enough? So much so that Jungkook would dare to give him an ultimatum? Taehyung was miffed, more than a little, but another, though it was rather small and insignificant at the moment, part of him was shocked. He was surprised that Jungkook had the guts to give him such a deadlined message, and in front of the rest of the school nonetheless. That he had stood up for himself, to Taehyung, it was admirable, and he was quite proud, but at the same time angry at that very thing. Let it be said, he had branded the boy. Whether Jungkook felt it or not, he belonged to BangTang, and Bangtan belonged to Taehyung, but even more directly, Jungkook belonged to him as well.

Taehyung did not just brand anyone with his logo. His insignia. The one that he fully intended to use when they got out of this god foresaken school. The BTS logo that they had forged together, and the individual sigils that they had drawn long ago, when the group slowly became one, those were the ones that they intended to use outside as well as in. They already had begun these process so that they could smoothly exit the school. They were lucky that Jungkook was quite smart. They would all manage to get out at a similar time. Or so Taehyung would ensure. As much as he hated to admit it, eight months of schooling was not really all that bad. Considering the alternatives that Jungkook could have supplemented them with, it was really quite decent, but Taehyung did not WANT to leave. He knew that in order to leave early, they would all have to attend and at least get decent scores, but they always did fine at the end of year tests and always passed. He was annoyed that Jungkook was practically forcing them into actively attending the school.

He could admire the will, and get angry at where it was directed. The plan itself was flawless, and kept them in check from stopping him from going to where he wanted. The idea that he had managed to force them to do the very thing that he had wanted to do and they had refused him did not loose itself on Taehyung. It was downright...evil, and he loved it. He would love it more if that was not directed at him and the other members, but there was only so much Taehyung could do he supposed. In the end, it was definitely within Jungkook's ability to demand such things. He just did not like being demanded...from do anything. He was irked at that. Jungkook had these moments of absolute cruelty, ones that left Taehyung reeling and quite fascinated with the boy, as most of the time he was truly quite sweet.

It was not just that, Taehyung was agitated as well. Who was this person that he desperately wanted to know? Why was it so important. Furthermore, there was no Jeon in this building besides Jungkook. He had claimed that they were family, but Taehyung was not entirely sure what sort of family were they. He knew that Jungkook considered Taehyung and the rest of the BTS hyungs family. That was why he was so angry and hurt that they had not listened to him. Taehyung...Taehyung had broken his promise when he thought about it. Though he had not really meant to. He had only meant to make a point. Walking away had not...well, he had not really meant for Jungkook to take it as a 'broken promise' but more as a threat. That had horribly backfired, of course, otherwise he would not be in this situation in the first place.

What made him more annoyed was that there was no way that Jungkook would be able to hide out this long on his own. For one, he did not know the school anywhere near enough to manage to stay out of their sight for so long. Though the rest of the gang suspected that he was being hidden somehow, he did not know of any group that would willingly let such a commodity out of their sight, much less wander about if they truly wanted to. So that left only one of two options. Either he was being held by this person that he had supposedly wanted to know, or he was held by some sort of other person. Allies with Bangtan. Then again, it was a rather complex situation. The people who were helping Jungkook and hiding him obviously knew that they were looking for him, yet had chosen to hide him anyways. Despite the order. He did not know what that meant, but he did know that it meant one of their allies, or Jungkook's little friend, was in big trouble when he figured out who it was.

"Well?" Suga questioned as Taehyung came in slamming the door behind him, but most noteably, he came alone.

"Jungkook gave us an ultimatum," Taehyung scoffed as he dropped into his chair. Jin turned to glance at Taehyung, before returning to where he had been working in the corner.

"I am not all that surprised." Jimin sighed out, causing Taehyung to glare at him and the other to raise his hands in surrender. Taehyung smirked a little. Good.

"Tae, what was the deal?" RM asked, keeping the conversation from spiraling out of control, which it would have undoubtedly done had he not interfered.

"He wants us to go to school." Taehyung growled out, his eyes glittering in annoyance. The others in the room looked various degrees of surprised and impressed at once, just as Taehyung had when he had first heard of the deal. "Devious little minx." He scoffed out. "Either way, I said I would talk to you about it. He wants all of us, after all, to attend the classes." That was when Hobi dropped the cup that he was holding.

"All?" He whispered.

"Yes," Taehyung hissed. "All, no more ditching classes. Sadly. That is...assuming you care enough to want him back." The other members hastily agreed. They did like Jungkook, and he was a very capable criminal, even if they had not. Besides that, none of them were stupid enough to challenge Taehyung, and if they did not agree it was almost certain that he would cause a lot of trouble in an attempt to get him back. Which was definitely not what they needed when they were so close to leaving.

"So what are we going to do about the ones that are hiding him?" Jimin asked. Taehyung bared his teeth, anger lit through his body at the reminder. 

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