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Jungkook really was curious. He knew that BangTan had a rather long standing reputation, and not in the good way. They had been a group of highly violent individuals prior to Jungkook coming into the picture, and even then, he knew that he was really only seeing to half of the of the picture. He did not know of Bangtan before he was placed in this school, but he knew enough about them to know that they intended to partake in some majorly illegal activities once they moved out of this hell of a school. They had talked about it briefly, but Jungkook had not really been listening.

He wished that they would just...just accept the fact that he was upset with them. He knew it was kind of cruel to make them go to school, considering it was obvious that they would long to be anywhere else, but Jungkook, well, he did not particularly care. It was a simple thing that they could do. Jungkook was not asking them to do anything like spying, infiltrating, or anything like that. They had requested he do all of that, sort of. It was more after he got inducted into the gang but that was not the point. Jungkook had managed, and had excelled, but he got the feeling that Jin-specifically-had wanted him to fail. He had not, much to the other's discontent, but Jungkook had proven himself by reading the hell out of the older. Granted, Taehyung had been a mix of both extremely proud and also upset with him, but Jungkook...he was not sure.

"Taemin," Jungkook began softly, his voice rather quiet. Taemin locked eyes with him from where he was messing around with Key, but pulled himself away from the latter to come up to him. His eyes were somewhat worried. Jungkook had not meant for it to come out as upset, but either way, if it got the other to him, Jungkook was definitely not going to complain about the way it worked.

"Hey, Kookie, what is up?" Taemin asked, fingers gently trailing down his cheek softly, looking concerned. Okay, so maybe Jungkook was really worried. It obvious was something he was going to have to work on. He could not have his emotions being projected so obviously. For now, Jungkook did not have the energy to bother with that. He had been stressing over this thing for quite some time. He needed to get it off of his chest, and he kind of trusted Taemin. Of course this could backfire horribly as well. He had trusted Taehyung as well, and the other had made motions to abandon him.

Whilst Taehyung may not have gone through with his threat, Jungkook still considered it a betrayal. A sort of half betrayal, but the intentions had still been there. He may not have gone through with it...of course, but that was not the point. Jungkook's mind was spinning trying to figure out why it was that Taehyung would break a promise like that with him. He had promised, and perhaps Jungkook had taken too much belief in promises, that had to be it, but he supposed he was still getting used to this school. After all, he had not meant to be brought here in the first place. Whilst he could not say that it had been a mistake, he knew that some of these people...well...they had done things far worse than him.

He just had to focus on finding his brother in bonds now. Assuming, of course, that he was still here and alive. He had not thought about it, but this school was precisely the place that someone could die, and nobody else would know. Or even really care, as Jungkook was dead sure most of these kids' parents, assuming they had them, would not really care if they survived to last the end of the school term. He supposed that it was just expected, only the worst got sent here, after all.

He had expected that his brother in bonds would be here, but at the same time...he supposed this was the one place where he could have disappeared and Jungkook would never know. It had been a couple of years now too, he could have changed so much, would have. Jungkook realized that he would have had to, if he wanted to survive here. Jungkook had always had that inner darkness to him, sometimes it just peaked out a bit too far from his control. The first time that it had happened, he had taken the fall for Jungkook. The second time, well Jungkook was here for a reason.

He just wanted to know how the other was faring. He did not know, because he had not been granted an audience with them...since they had been forced to leave. No letters, no visits, not nothing. Well, visits were not permitted either way. Letters, Jungkook was not entirely sure whether letters were allowed or not, but he knew that he had never been able to receive any, and he had no idea wither any had been written, or if there had been any desired contact that just did not happen. then again, he would also not be overly shocked if his parents had restricted any letters that he may have gotten either way.

"Jungkook-ah, hey?" Taemin's fingers lifted his chin to stare at him. "Are you alright? What is it? What is wrong?"

"I...There is someone that goes here that...well, the whole reason that Taehyung and I got into this mess was because I wanted to figure out where they were, and by doing that I wanted to start going to the classes to see if perhaps I could see them, or try and get more information before trying to figure out where they were. As it turns out...Taehyungie did not really appreciate that and tried to threaten me into refusing, but I didn't back down. Taehyungie...well, to put it simply he broke a promise that we had made and I did not take to it lightly. Now that I am beginning to enter the classes, I wanted to see if I could find them. I am just worried about that, is all." Jungkook said with a tight smile.

It was not just that, though, there were many things he was worrying about, but that was the most prevelant thing that he could share without Taemin getting overly worried for him. 

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