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They had been too harsh. He knew that, and Jonghyun could recognize that. Okay perhaps it was not necessarily THEY that had been too harsh, he was the one that was cruel and he knew that. You just could never be too careful. Though MinHo had given several good points, and none of them could really refute them either. It had been because of that they had realized that MinHo was trying to help someone who did not really belong there. At least, that was the general belief of the Shinee members. Taemin had nearly ripped his head off after they realized that the boy had been targeted by BangTan. 

Normally, they were wary of everyone who had been within bangtan's radius. The group was the king of the schools, they were the leaders, and they were quite ruthless. Their cruelty was well known by everyone within the school, and SHINee had managed to maintain a very tense allegiance since the two groups were formed. And by tense, that meant tense. The Allegiance was incredibly helpful. The two groups had a I help you, you help me relationship going on and it worked quite well most of the time. It was, however, not beyond SHINee what they did to people that they became attached to. 

Jimin alone had his own amount of obsessions with the newbies or random people in the school. This was not a simple school after all, everyone  was here for a reason. Jimin was quite cruel in many ways. He used people for what they could give him, namely his own pleasure, and when he got bored with them, he dropped them. Quite easily, and simply as though they had meant nothing and most of the time that was exactly the case. Jimin took what he could and enjoyed what he took. He only ever had eyes for what he could gain. It was one of the reasons that they did not quite understand the relationship Jimin had with HoSeok, or with Yoongi. Many were just waiting for the other shoe to drop, but it had been a whole half a semester and nothing had happened so maybe it was legit. 

The point was that Bangtan did not typically just single out random people. When they had a target, they had a reason to target them. The last person that had been targeted Taehyung had stolen over half of his money from, which had really angered the boy's father. This time, well it was not lost on SHINee how adorable Jungkook was. Even if they had only seen him for a few minutes before chasing the boy out, which they were rectifying of course, they needed to help the boy else they will have MinHo's wrath unleashed upon them, which was never a good thing. Of course not, however. While they may not understand exactly what it was that had caused Bangtan to target Jungkook, they could have a few guesses. 

From what they understood, Jungkook's family was rather influential, which was not much a good reason, considering how much it was that Jungkook despised his family. SHINee did their own little bit of research on the newbies coming into the school, and while they did not necessarily have as much access as BangTan they had enough to get some information. It was the boy's family who ended up celebrating his incarceration into this death school. It was the belief that Jungkook had murdered several classmates. However, these classmates had also ruthlessly bullied Jungkook for several years. Key was under the belief that they had it coming, and Jonghyun was inclined to agree. 

The boy himself, however, was incredibly naive, despite the actions which he had taken against his bullies. He was very easy to manipulate, something that he was certain would endear him to Taehyung specifically. See, each member of BangTan had a type that they liked when choosing a target. Jin loved the wealthy, NamJoon enjoyed tormenting the intelligent, Hobi loved the dancers, Yoongi often chose the bad boys, Jimin picked on practically everyone, but Taehyung...Taehyung was of a different breed. 

In fact, it was often a question exactly how Taehyung had managed to become such a integral part of BangTan. The boy was incredibly dangerous, and very volatile. Boarderline Psychopathic, despite whatever pathetic medical files claimed otherwise. Onew was almost certain that the boy should be tested and not by biased officials that were probably paid off.  Taehyung's type was far more specific. He loved the naive ones, the ones that he could manipulate, and he did not just choose anyone. They were often small, and timid, and adorable, just like Jungkook. 

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