After the Brand

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The Hyungs bandaged the boy's burns, and carefully laid him down. He was ethereal. Absolutely stunning, but the reality of it was that they were worn down. Hearing the boy scream, it had taken everything in them not to do what they so desperately wished, which was to rip the metal away, so as to not have to hear anymore. 

Yet they had promised. They had promised to give Jungkook a brand and that they would do. 

Taehyung softly caressed the boy's hair, pulling his bangs from his face, smiling down lightly at the youth before him. He was glad it was over, glad that he would no longer have to hear the youth's tormented screams. He did not like the experience, and he would prefer it not to be repeated. Sure hearing the boy CRY because of something which he had done purposefully and knowingly was something different. But this was an entirely different experience, and he most certainly did not enjoy it.

"I am glad it is over," Jin said, voice low, whispering, so as not to risk waking the younger boy.

"Me too," Namjoon replied, with a sigh. It had been hard on all of them, for sure. None of them wanted to hear the boy so scared and in such horrible pain. Perhaps he was not exactly scared, but he was most certainly in pain, and it was something that ripped at their heartstrings. They certainly hoped that they would not bear witness to such a thing again. 

"I hope he is okay," Jimin said nervously. he was still unnerved by the screaming. Usually, such things had absolutely no effect on him, but for some reason, this seemed to really hit his core. It was horrible. The sound was still ringing in his ears, he wished to rid himself of it. It came back each time.

"I am sure that Jungkook will be fine, Jimin," Hosoek said soothingly. He felt the same feelings as the rest of them. Though it may not look like it. They had all, each and every one of them, grown attached to the youth in some way, and to see him in such pain, such agony, to hear the tormented screams as flesh burned and sizzled was burned into his memory, and he doubted it would ever be wiped clean. 

"Don't worry. he is tough. He has already shown us this. Emotionally, the boy might be a bit unstable, or perhaps a little unhindged, but physically, he is above all of us." Yoongi added, which caused Jimin to slowly relax.

"Of course, I am just worried." Jimin said softly. The rest of them nodded. They were all worried about the young teen among their ranks. But, it was done. the boy was officially branded, and Taehyung's seal marked forever on his skin.

They ripped their eyes towards the sleeping body as they heard a groan. 

He was waking.

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