Chastising Self

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Jungkook looked up at the person who was staring down at him. His eyes were dark, dangerous, and filled with intense warning. Jungkook was reminded a little bit of Hobi whenever it was one of those few times that Hobi was actually serious...Whenever Hobi was annoyed or serious his eyes would darken about a shade, and then his lips would thin into a firm line. This person, whoever they were, also had Taehyungie's scary aura, the way that he had stalked up to him was so similar and...and...

And Stop thinking about them. He really needed to stop thinking about them. That was the whole reason that he had run off right? To stop, to clear his mind, to think about what had happened and mull over the events which had just occurred. Jungkook had to remember that though it was Taehyung who had betrayed him directly, the others had also betrayed him. They had not done anything when they saw Taehyung ready himself to leave him alone and helpless and scared and sad and upset. They had done nothing but watch which meant that they were just as bad at Taehyung. It was bad enough that Taehyung had almost left, though in the end it was Jungkook who had done the actual leaving but Taehyung would have left without a seconds thought if Jungkook had not pulled at his pants leg. Which was the main reason that Jungkook had hightailed it out of the dorm room. He needed time to think, and he needed not to be around them at the moment. Not with the betrayal so fresh, and the realization that if Taehyung left him the others would willingly do so without a second thought despite all of those stupid pointless reassurances that Jungkook had been so naive to actually believe. He had to remind himself that it was too soon to really be thinking about them, and that he needed to clear his head and heart of them for the moment. Considering that in the moment he was backed against the wall with a scary sunbaenim staring at him looking for all the world like he wanted to murder Jungkook on the spot. Not to mention the three other sunbaenims were were staring as well. MinHo Hyung was really sweet, but it would seem as though he had bitten off more than he was allowed in this instance.

Jungkook just looked away. How could he not? The eyes which were facing him were too intense to bear, and Jungkook did not want to see them. He did not want to see the anger and annoyance in them, he got enough of that already. He already knew that Minho...well...

Minho had been really sweet. To offer his dorm, and the dorm of his little group. Jungkook was not stupid, though, and anyone would be able to see that he would not be welcomed here. That was obvious. He had to remind himself, that he was not really welcome anywhere. He had never been and he probably never would be. His own parents hated him and used him for a publicity stunt. His school ignored bullying as though it was a simple norm and was to be expected because he was younger and less likely to fight back. His family ditched him over and over and over again, constantly being reminded that you were not really welcome, the constant little things. Forgetting to pick him up at school after the study sessions, or failing to remember his birthday, or things like that. It was normal. He should be used to it.

With Bangtan he had thought that he finally found a place to really fit in. He had honored that, marked himself (literally) with their icon of love and gave himself and his body (after all he had got himself bloody branded and tattooed with their so called 'love') and his skills to try and help them as best as he could so that they would let him in. So that he could be a part of them. Look how that went. Utter disaster. He was better off just alone. Like always. He had been alone before and he would be alone now and he really would rather not bother anyone, and if this scary Sunbaenim's act was anything to go by, he did not really want any more trouble when it would be worthless to even try to explain anything. 

Jungkook cleared his throat nervously, before glancing hesitantly up at MinHo, who was standing nervously on the side, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. 

"MinHo Hyung," Jungkook said softly, his voice almost cracked, but no...Jungkook was strong, he could get through this. He had, after all, been through much worse, this was to help MinHo Hyung, and keep it so that MinHo was not ostracized by his friends because that was what Jungkook did, he destroyed people's lives and crushed them under his worthlessness. "I think maybe I should leave." He said, voice soft, eyes avoiding. 

"What? No. It is..." Jungkook just shook his head adamantly, and Minho let the rest of his sentence drift off.

"No. No, it is okay. I get it, don't worry. I don't want to cause trouble. It...I already caused enough trouble today." Jungkook said, pulling himself from the creepy Sunbaenim and towards the door, allowing a small smile over to Minho.

"But...Where are you going to sleep?" MinHo asked softly, his voice questioning gently. Jungkook stopped at the door, tears filling his eyes once again. he could not let them fall, could not let them fall, could not let them fall...He inhaled softly. 

"I don't know Hyung. I will figure it out. Don't worry."

"Wait..." Minho shouted, desperate. " aren't going to actually go back to your dorm right? Taehyung is there!" 

Jungkook heard three gasps, and one growl. His shoulders slumped even more at the reminder that he and Taehyung shared a dorm.

"Whatever. It doesn't matter. I'll just figure something out. Don't worry about me. I'm sorry for troubling you. Thank you for the offer, but I know when I am not needed, or wanted. I'll just go...somewhere else. I don't want to cause trouble for you later." 

"You aren't trouble..." Minho said quietly, and Jungkook laughed. He gestured to his Hyung's friends. 

"They are not happy. I am not worth you risking their anger for. I will  be fine." Minho lunged, ready to stop Jungkook but the other slipped out of the door quickly avoiding his outstretched hands.

Minho turned...glaring at his friends. 

"You do realize...I would not just bring anyone here right? The hell guys!" Minho growled angrily. 

"What?" Taemin asked softly, he had watched as their eldest Hyung had stalked up to the boy. Minho shook his head. 

He needed to find Jungkook. Sooner, preferably, rather than later.

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