jimin is guilty

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Jimin could bot help but be annoyed. The boy had accepted Jin's apology and proposal so quickly. Yet for him? It seemed the other was not so quick to accept. As of now, it was so, so, frustrating. Now that Jimin knew that Taehyung had given the young boy the bunny stuffed animal, he felt even guiltier. Not only had he hurt the other, but he had ripped away something Taehyung had given him. No wonder Taehyung was so angry. He did not give away stuff lightly. He put thought and caution into the gift before he gave things away. Especially things that were his own.
Jimin sat away from the others, watching as Jungkook stuck close to Taehyung, ever so often, one of the other Hyungs would get too close, causing a scared Junkook, and a growly Tae. Jimin could not help but wonder what Tae was thinking bringing Jungkook into this. Yes, he had seen the way Jungkook had ripped Jin apart piece by piece within seconds with mere words. There was a part of Jimin that was worried.
Jimin had thought that he would never feel guilty for hurting somone other than Jin, Hobi, Yoongi, Namjoon, or Taehyung. Now, with Jungkook in the mix, he knew what he was feeling. It was unnervingly close to that sort of deep, bone deep, guilt he often felt when he had wronged or hurt another one of the members.
He watched as Taehyung grabbed Jungkook, and turned him around, quickly fetching whatever it was he had stowed away once Jungkook had woken. Jungkook stayed standing, hands over his eyes, alone, obedient to Taehyung's desire.
Jimin hummed curiously. Tae was right about one thing. The boy was obedient, to Taehyung. Maybe Jin, but as of now, the others? That was a mystery. Maybe he would continue and eventually become obedient to everyone. One thing could not be denied, Taehyung had a sort of special place within Jungkook. All saw how he shivered and trembled at being left alone, woth no contact, and unable to see naught but the palms of hia hands. Yet despite that fear, the boy remained as Taehyung had ordered him.
Taehyung came up behind Jungkook, and carefully placing his hands over the boy, told him to open his eyes. Held, clasped inbetween the two hands, was the bunny. The one Jimin had torn from the boys tight grip. To make matters worse for Jimin's guilt, the boy grabbed it and hugged it close. His eyes, Jimin barely made out before it was too late, were watery.
But the thing Jimin saw next made his whole body wrack with blinding guilt and anger at himself.
Jungkook held it within his hands. Eyes sparkling, and seemingly more innocent now with the watery sheen over them. Then, he grabbed it, and shoved it back to Taehyung. The boy closed his eyes, waiting for Taehyung to grab the bunny away from him once like Jimin had done. He would much rather give it away than have it taken away.
Taehyung just looked at him confused.
"Do you not want it?" Jungkook's lower lip trembled.
"Jiminssi said that I can't have it cuz I stole it. I...I don't want the bunny taken again, so i giving it back to you." Jungkook said, a few tears escaping his eyes. Taehyungs eyes lit an intense fiery brown. He whipped his gaze over to Jimin, who cowered from the sheer anger thrown at him there. Turning back the the little boy before him, Taehyung sighed.
"Baby, I promise Jimin will never, ever, take Bunny away from you again. Okay? I'll make it a rule. Jimin, will you EVER take Jungkook's bunny away from him again?" Taehyung asked, voice hard as steal, emphasising the Jungkook's part of his sentence.
"No, I won't, promise." Jimin quickly replied.
"Good, see baby, he promised. If he ever breaks his promise you come to me okay? Only I can take Bunny." Jungkook looked up at Tae with wide hopeful eyes.
"Promise, taetaehyung?" Taehyung nooded.
"I promise." Jungkook perked back up at that, smiling.
Jimin realized just how badly he had messed up. Taehyung was probably the first person to really care about this kid enough to gift him something. He now understood why Jungkook was not forgiving him easily, like with Jin. Jimin had taken something Taehyung had allowed the boy to have to open the boy up, something that the boy obviously cared for deeply. Now, when jimin had taken it, something of that had been broken, he had doubted. Jimin knew what he had to do in order to make the precious bunny boy forgive him.
He had to show his care for the boy.

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