Fearful Defiance

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The entire room was caught into a standstill. Frozen, as they watched Taehyung completely captivate the entire place with one sheer movement. It was his specialty. The ability to capture all attention without a second thought. Perhaps it was not him really, but it was certainly something to do with him.

It was the aura which he portrayed. Especially when he was angry, it was as though the entire fires of the world had frozen over and nobody had dared to move a muscle. Taehyung was frightening on a normal basis but to see him angry was on another level of terrifying. Nobody wanted to get Taehyung angry, not even his hyungs. While Jungkook seemed to have some sort of magical power to keep Taehyung calm, and elicit emotional responses that, should any of the others try would likely end up with their nursing bruises. Sure, Taehyung, until recently, had never actively hit any of them, and though they still were not entirely certain why Taehyung had thrown hands at Jin of all people (known to be an incredibly kind and gentle creature the most of times) it was not uncommon to have others holding one of them back as they tried to interfere stupidly. Emotions, and instinct warred with each other when Taehyung got mad. Half of them wanted to run in the complete opposite direction, the rest wanted to sock him. 
Neither was exactly a good idea. If one of them tried to run Taehyung would easily catch up with them, and if they tried to fight him it was a sure fire way to anger the other even more and that was the worst possible thing that someone could do when Taehyung was not fully in control of himself. 

It was for this reason, and the sheer fact that they were shocked on multiple sides (both at the fact that Jungkook had raised his voice at them and attempted to argue with them as the youth had not done such a thing before, as well as the fact that Taehyung seemed to be getting involved now, as he rarely was unless it was something important) and the fact that this time...something was different. Of course, they were not entirely certain what it was about the atmosphere that was different, but it was easy to tell that something had changed. Perhaps it was the way Taehyung predatorily stalked up to Jungkook, with a dark and deadly look in his eyes. Mayhaps it was the way that Jungkook was incredibly much more nervous than he had shown previously. 

Whatever the case was, the other members could literally feel the room ice over. It was not a pleasant thing to feel. It was as though the room had gone to fire crackling in the air, a tension and heat that all could feel as Jungkook's ire began to rise higher and higher, to seeing flames encased in a container of frozen ice, frozen from the middle outwards, and hanging thick in the air. 

Everyone was terrified. They could not really pinpoint the real beginning of their terror. Sure, Taehyung definitely inflicted terror in those when he was annoyed, or angry, or frustrated, or aggravated. Really any type of negative emotion that Taehyung felt you could feel the ice in the air, but at this point there was something different about the terror which Taehyung was inflicting in the air. What it was, that was a question for another time. They could not answer it and it would be pointless to try.

As Taehyung slowly backed Jungkook into the corner and demanded the answers from Jungkook, they soon realized that Taehyung was more than just displeased. Though they had to say to see such an emotion on Taehyung was rare, they would be more than happy not to ever see Taehyung look or feel this way again. Not if the result was the chill in their bones and the tremble in their nerves.

Taehyung was jealous. 

Of who or of what they could not really tell. Jin thought that it may be because if Jungkook was at school, he would not really be with Taehyung. Then he realized that would not really be the case because the youth had scored high on his school tests, which means that he would be in the same classes as Taehyung and Jimin. Therefore that left one option. There was someone which Jungkook wanted to see that he could only see in the school system. 

Namjoon seemed to come to the same realization as Jin, and soon after Hobi and then Yoongi and Jimin. They all were incredibly curious as to who it was that Jungkook wanted to see other than Taehyung.

Perhaps it was nothing. Yet, if the way that Taehyung was acting was any indicator, it was not simply nothing. There was something dangerous about the way Taehyung had cornered Jungkook and demanded him to speak and tell him. 

"You don't want to say anything?" Taehyung asked, a small hysterical laugh at the end of his sentence. His breath coming heavily. "Really? Is there nothing, nothing at all you have to speak to me of?" Jungkook inhaled deeply.

"I just..." Jungkook yelped as Taehyung grabbed him swiflty. Jimin and Yoongi leapt out of their chairs as they saw Taehyung grab Jungkook by the neck without a seconds hesitation. They were all shaking, none daring to interrupt the situation, slightly worried about what may happen to their youngest recruit if they dared to do anything.

"Now, now," Taehyung said softly, as though he were soothing a child. "It is fine. I know you want to see him." Jungkook whimpered as he grabbed at Taehyung's hand, fingers curling helplessly around Taehyung's immovable strength. Taehyung's veins thickened as he held Jungkook to the wall with just the sheer force of his hand. Jungkook's eyes were wide and scared. 

"I...It...He..." Taehyung laughed, his expression disgusted. His fingers dug into Jungkook's neck mercilessly, choking him without remorse. Jungkook's fingers scrambled at Taehyung's arm, desperately trying to move him away from his neck to no avail.

With a sigh, Taehyung dropped his arm and Jungkook fell to the floor, hand flying to his neck, coughing heavily as his head spun, air finally reaching him.

"Whatever." Taehyung said darkly, turning to leave.

Jungkook, panicked, grabbed at Taehyung's leg. He grasped the fabric of Taehyung's pants and twisted them into his grip. His eyes were big and pleading as his eyes filled with tears.

"He is family." He whispered lowly. Air choking him, despite the fact that there was no reason for it. His throat thick with emotion. 

"Hyung he is family and he went here because of me." Taehyung's eyes expressed the shock that his face denied. He stopped, froze in another emotion that the BangTan members had not seen before-remorse. He was regretful. 

He sighed, and leaned down, gripping Jungkook's chin, the boy flinching as Taehyung did so, eyes closing as though resigning to his fate. 

"Ah, Bunny, you should have just told me." Jungkook's tears finally broke from their cage as they spilled over and onto his cheeks.

"You were going to leave." He said softly, his voice trembling with betrayal. Taehyung furrowed his brows.

"What...No I was not goin..."

"You were." Jungkook said. His voice was soft, as though he had only just come to this realization. He pried his fingers from Taehyung's clothes himself, his mouth was slightly ajar, expression confused and hurt.

"You...You turned away. You left me on the floor. You were going to leave. You...You promised." Jungkook's breath was coming in fast gasps at this point as he ripped his body away from Taehyung. 

"You are just like everyone else." He said, the veins in his neck bulging with restrained anger and hurt. "You...You promised and yet you had no intention of...of fulfilling that promise did you?" 

"No, no, no, baby listen..." 

"To what?" Jungkook asked. He turned his face once more towards Taehyung. The members...what they saw, caused them to flinch backwards. No longer was the look common which they saw, the innocent look which Jungkook normally bore. 
No. this one was different. Darkness and Insanity swirled in the pupils and coated the boy's normally crystalline brown eyes. A sort of blurred line had been crossed. His body was shaking, his eyes sharp and piercing. "You..." Jungkook couldn't even finish his sentence. He started laughing. The sort of laugh that Jimin does when he is in his rages. Jungkook stared at them, lips curling. He growled, and stormed from the room, not sparing a glance backwards.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Hobi spoke quietly.

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