Anger at Friends

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Jungkook was not going to question how he got all the way to the roof without being stopped. One would think in such a dangerous place, there would be things set in place to prevent such things, and yet, here he was. Jungkook sighed heavily, and simply leaned against the wall, not willing to deal with anything, he leaned his head back and closed his eyes, allowing the morning sun to cascade gently down his face. He would be content to simply stay there, if the decision were up to him. It was rather peaceful.

Taehyung snatched the bunny from Jimin, beyond fully annoyed and angry. Why would Jimin, nice, sweet, Jimin do something like that. It was jealousy, and this taehyung knew, but was unable to really think clearly in this moment. What he did know is that Jimin had come in here, taken away a present that taehyung had gifted his new friend, and then spouted a ton of garbage at him, causing him to basically apologize for being born. Now, Taehyung knew that Jimin was probably only angry, and he also knew that the slightly older boy had a way with words, it as one of the reasons that he was recruited in the first place, but to see Jimin take his annoyance out on someone like Jungkook? Now that raised his ire. He was beyond pissed at the boy. Why? Normally, Taehyung would not care so much, but there was something about seeing the sad, broken look on a fallen angel's face, that really ripped at Taehyung's heart. And he knew, based on what the younger had told Taehyung last night, that the boy had some severe self-esteem issues, and coupled with self-doubt and general fear, anxiety, and timidness, he was simply pissed off. Sure, Jungkook definitely had a dark side, otherwise he would not have been placed in this school in the first place, but he needed time, and he needed nurture, in order to allow that darkness to shine.

Plus, Taehyung legitimetly liked the kid. He was nice, he was kind, and the boy was so, so, polite. Taehyung may not have been positive to the idea of a new recruit, but Jungkook would be perfect. For various reasons, the largest being that the boy was polite. He would listen to his hyungs, sure, he would probably tease them and mess around and stuff once he got to know the better, but the point was, when it came down to it, Jungkook would listen to them. And Taehyung got that vibe from the younger. Not to mention...HE WAS YOUNGER! Taehyung would finally have a Donseang. Add to the that the fact that the boy was basically a diamond just waiting to be polished to shine, he was perfect. Also, he calmed Taehyung down-a lot. More than Jiminie and Jinnie combined ever were able to. Maybe it was his innocent aura, or perhaps it was something else. That did not matter. What did currently matter was that Jimin had basically ripped apart a fallen angel, waiting to be given the chance to spread his wings and soar.
And that...well that pissed him off.

Taehyung was not one to push his anger out on his Hyungs, or any of his extremely close friends, so all he did was give Jimin a glare worth killing, and storm out of the room. To find Jungkook, or to get to pummel the first person's face that he came across, whichever came first.

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