branding part 1

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Taehyung gently ran his hand through the boy's hair. He was so, precious. Taehyung could not really explain it much,but, the child brought something out of him. A sort of primal obsession, instinctual protectiveness. Yes, this boy would help then conquer Seoul. They just had to use hin carefully. He had not seen much of what Jungkook was capable of, no, but he could guess from what the youth had told him. And it definitely would not pain the prettiest picture to a normal person's mind. But, Jungkook was that special kind of person. Despite the darkness lurking just underneath the surface ofnhisnskin, he was still naive, innocent in a way Jimin could only hope to replicate. It was what drew taehyung to him in the first place. Unlike a lot of the kids in Big Hit High, who had already seen the horrors within the world, and many having been participants within crearing them, had changed. Their eyes were cold, unresdable expressions, anger and icy auras all around. Little gangs and cliques everywhere. You don't survove without one after all. Very few were different. Jungkook was just one of those few. He was dofferent, special, in a way others could only hope to replicate, but would be unable to truly define. The boy was a marvel.
Jungkook stirred in his sleep, and Taehyung sighed. He had thought out a way where he may be able to get the youth to agree to the branding, but it was sketchy, and had a lot of loopholes. He just hoped it worked out the way he wanted. He desperately wished Jungkook to be branded, to officially be HIS, to be THEIRS, before school started.
"Hey, Sweetie. How are you feeling Bunny?" Taehyung asked gently. The other members, well, Jimin and Hoseok at least, pretending to be sleeping, wanting to know what Taehyung would do.
"M okay, it was such a good day! Thank ypu Taehyungie!" Taehyung chuckled, smile on his face, gleaming eyes.
"It was not just me doll,"
"I know," jungkook said softly.
"What do you think of the hyungs?" Jungkook hummed, thinking it over. Jimin and Hoseok held their breaths, desperate to hear the answer.
"They are nice. They gotta be if they got me presents." Taehyung hummed.
"So do phedophiles and they are not nice."
"But it was different with them. Those perverts give gifts with this gleam in their eyes, eager, and creepy. The way the hyungs gave presents you could tell they were nervous as to how I reacted, that shows they were genuine. And the relief when I liked the goft was palpable. Obvious. So you could tell they really thought the gifts over, and that they were genuine gifts." Color Taehyung impressed, because Jungkook was hella observant. Taehyung doubted the youth would ever stop surprising him.
"That was good, Baby." Jungkook smiled happy at Taehyung approval.
"So, Jungkook," taegyung began, after clearing his throat. He was nervous. "I was, you see, there is this..." he paused, he did not really know if he WANTED to tell Jungkook. What if the youth left him?
"What is it Hyungie?"
"Jin, me, and the others, we...we are creating a gang of sorts, to conquer Seoul when we get out of here, and I, well I was curious, if you wanted to be apart of it. It is okay if you say no," Taehyung said, and Jimin and Hoseok had to say the genuine sadness in Taehyung's voice was something they had not hear in a while.
"Of course I will join!" Taehyung's breath caught in shock.
"Of course," taehyung licked his lips.
"Jungkook," jungkook knew this was serious. His hyung had not used one of several nicknames and pet names. He began to feel anxious. "The initiation into the gang is painful, very painful. get branded, like, metal and fire on your skin branded." He said seriously. Jungkook looked up in awe.
"Did you?" Taehyung nodded, not sure where this was going to go. The younger was not acting as he had thought he would. "Can I see?" Taehyung nodded, and lifted his shirt, showing the brand on the side of his ribs. Jungkook traced it in awe, adoration in his eyes.
"And I can get one like it?"
"Bunny, if you decide to get branded, it means that we, that BangTan owns you, you belong to us." Jungkook smiled.
"Perfect." He said, practically purring. Jungkook looked at Taehyung.
"Can you do it too?" Taehyung furrowed his brows, a little confused.
"Do what, Bunny?"
"I want one of yours too." Taehyung thought, confused, until he thought he came up with a solution.
"You mean you want me..." Tae pointed towards himself. "To brand you," pointing at jungkook, "with my Gang symbol?" There was no mistaking the dark, masochistic gleam in the younger's eyes when taehyung said it.
"I mean, I guess. But these are permanent, baby."
"I know, Hyung. But I dont just want to belong to BangTang, I wanna belong to YOU."
Holy fuck.

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